0 "10 steps to win her back"

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10 steps to win her back:

  1. Make sure she eats her meals (and even feed her if necessary).

  2. Make sure she has a good night's sleep and be with her during nightmares.

  3. Take her to the place of our first date - to the river, where we jumped off the cliff and did... others interesting things.

  4. Assure her that she is the most beautiful person to me.

  5. Take her to the school ball in 90s theme (make sure they play our favorite song)

  6. Kiss her in the moonlight, which took place at our second date in Drive in. (force Jughead and other Serpents to arrange a large home theater outside)

  7. Talk to her honestly and ensure that the farm and Edgar won't return and that together we will fight her fears and depression.

8. Inform her about the divorce with Gladys (I hope this woman won't come back to us again)

 9. Spend a romantic evening (and night) with her at home (chase all children to their friends.)

10. Ask her to marry me (I will do it in the most romantic way I can. Only two of us)


A/N: I was inspired by my earlier story "10 things I want to do before I die" and I decided to write something similar from FP's point of view. 

I hope you will like this story. 😊

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