3. "Take her to the place of our first date"

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"What a beautiful weather," Alice said as we drank coffee on the terrace.

"The sun has not shone so much in a long time" I replied and looked at her. "Perfect weather for picnic, what do you think?" I asked and she turned her head towards me. She smiled.

"Why not?" she drank coffee again.

"Wear something comfortable, Alice. We're going to the river," I said with a smile and got up from the table. I kissed her forehead.

"And where are you going?" she asked surprised and turned towards me.

"Prepare food for our picnic" I smiled and entered the house.

I made peanut butter sandwiches, fruit salad and poured coffee into a thermos. I was wondering whether to take wine, but I knew that Alice wouldn't let me touch alcohol, so I preferred not to risk. I put everything in the basket and went to change shorts and a loose T-shirt.

"Don't forget to take something to swim, Jonesy," I heard Alice's voice as I approached the closet.

"Do you want to swim?" I asked and she leaned out of the bathroom. I noticed that she was wearing a short white dress and a mint swimsuit underneath.

"It would be a sin not to swim today," she winked at me and went back to the bathroom. I sighed heavily and pulled the swimming trunks out of the closet.


We drove to the river. Amazingly it was empty.

"I wonder where everyone went," Alice muttered, getting out of the car.

"Maybe they sensed that we would go to the river and gave us a lot of privacy," I smiled and took her hand.

"This is Riverdale. Everything is possible here," Alice laughed and went to the river. She spread a blanket on the grass and sat on it. I put a basket next to her and looked at her.

"This is our date," I said softly and she nodded.

"I know," she replied with a smile. "I appreciate how hard you try"

"I will always try for you," I whispered and sat down next to her.

I looked at her as she pulled a sandwich out of the basket and started eating it.

I focused too much on how her lips touch the sandwich and her teeth bite her. Damn, I really needed sex.

"I guess I'll go swimming," I said and pulled off my shirt and then my shorts.

"Why? The water is still cold" Alice laughed and I looked at her with a smile.  

"That's better," I winked at her and she blushed.  

"Okay, I'm coming with you," she said and stood up.  

She took off her dress with one movement and ran first towards the river.  She jumped into the water and I followed her footsteps.

"Oh fuck the water is really LPcold!" I said before I bit my tongue. She laughed softly.

"You wanted water like that" Alice swam to me and looked into my eyes. I grinned at her, and one of my hands involuntarily touched her cheek.

Alice put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me backward, where the water was shallower and the river bank less steep.

"What are you planning, vixen?" I asked and she bit her lip.

"I'm not in the mood for swimming," she murmured and swam closer to me. She put her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile, and my hands gently stroked her hips.

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