7. Talk to her honestly and ensure that the farm and Edgar won't return(...)

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"Dinner is ready!" shouted Alice from the kitchen. 

I went down to her and kissed her cheek and then her lips. I felt the wonderful smell of the spices and knew that dinner would be wonderful for sure. Anyway, every meal Alice prepared was wonderful.

"I'm ready to eat. What did you prepare?" I asked with a smile and gave her peck on the lips.

"Hmm tropical turkey salad" she smiled at me, slightly flushed. God, I loved her blushes.

"Mmmm It will be delicious I feel" I said and pulled out plates from cupboard. "I'll set the table"

"Thank you, babe" Alice smiled at me.

I couldn't resist that lavender dress she was wearing and kissed her lips. This time the kiss was deeper and lasted a long moment.

"You're driving me crazy Alice"

"This is what I like to do," she whispered and stroked my cheek. "Go and set the table, the children are coming soon"

I went to the dining room and started put plates on the table.

"Sorry for being late I had to finish my math homework" I heard Betty's voice.

"That's okay, honey" Alice said.

Then came Jughead and we sat down by the table.

"Mmmm, mrs Smith it smells good. I'm so so hungry" said Jughead.

"You're always hungry, Jug" Betty laughed and I looked at my boy with a smile. 

At his age, I also had a big appetite. I don't even know if it's bigger. Sometimes, with Fred, Hiram, and Morty, we stole food from canteen and take it to the locker room to eat stealthily with the rest of the team after training. Sometimes this food was my only food throughout the day, so I was glad that Jughead now had enough to eat to help him grow properly.

"Jughead, what about your math homework. Did you finish it?" Alice asked and I almost chocked.

"What math homework?" he asked suprised.

"Oh, I see" Alice nodded. 

It's a misunderstanding, mom. "Betty started to defend herself, but Alice raised her hand, which was a sign that Betty wouldn't say anything else.

"Never mind. I know everything already," Alice cleared her throat and looked at Betty meaningfully. It was hard for me not to laugh. I just witnessed how Alice very subtly exposed Betty and Jughead.

Betty turned red and gave Jughead a murderous look.

"Ooh yeah, math homework! It was so hard," said Jughead hesitantly.

"Let's eat or the salad is going to be cold soon," Alice said with a smile as she tossed each portion onto their plate. "Enjoy your meal"

We ate dinner in silence. I glanced at the kids and Alice sometimes. Betty was red, eating with her eyes fixed on her plate. Jughead, on the other hand, seemed to be completely unconcerned, as he once said that since me and Alice sleep together, he and Betty can do it too. And Alice was sitting stiffly trying to eat, but I saw the gears in her brain working. She was definitely thinking about it. I knew Alice all too well, but to be honest, I was surprised she didn't react to it more ... emotionally and angrily, as always.

After eating, I decided to wash the dishes and take Jughead to help me, to leave the girls alone.

"Mom, It just came out wrong," I heard the embarrassment in Betty's voice.

I hope you're safe at least Betty. I wouldn't mind being a grandmother again, but I think eighteen is too early for you to be a mother "

I was impressed with how diplomatically and calmly Alice explained to Betty what she meant.

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