"9. Spend a romantic evening (and night) with her at home..."

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Today, when I came home after work, the only thing that accompanied me was silence. Jughead and Betty had gone to Veronica's overnight, so I and Alice had the house to ourselves.

I knew Alice would definitely come back from work tired, so I wanted to surprise her and prepare a very relaxing bath for her.

I looked at my watch; two more hours until Alice arrived, so the first thing I did was bathe quickly, got dressed comfortably, and started getting ready.

I picked a pair of red roses from the garden (I was hoping Alice wouldn't kill me for it) and sprinkled petals in the bathroom and on the bed in the bedroom. I was so excited about our first alone night together in a long time. I was hoping Alice would also share my excitement.

I went down to the kitchen and prepared the best spaghetti bolognese as I could because I knew it was one of Alice's favourite dishes. I was hoping she would like it.

I set the table in the dining room. It was so long since I had prepared a date that I forgot what I should put on the table, so I decided to take the candles from the kitchen cupboards (I don't know why they were hidden there) then I took the sweet wine Alice loved from the bar and set it on the table. I cleaned the glasses with a cloth and placed them next to the wine.

A little stress came in because I wanted so badly for everything to work out. I quickly went to the bathroom to apply perfume and fix my hair. When I heard the door open, I left the bathroom smiling. I looked at Alice who was just as tired as I thought. But she smiled when she saw me.

"FP" her voice sounded seductive, though I knew she probably didn't do it on purpose. "What have you prepared today?" she asked, taking off her coat.

"shhh, listen" I said with a smile and walked over to her with my hands clasped behind my back.

"What?" She took off her shoes and placed them on the shoe rack.

"It's been quiet for the first time in a long time," I replied, still staring at her. God, I was lucky to be with this sexy woman.

"Where are the kids?" she asked and hung her purse on a hanger. Then she looked at me and I noticed a flush on her face.

"At Veronica's," I muttered.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I feel intimidated," she bit her lip and walked over to me.

"Because I love you," I whispered. With one hand I grabbed her waist and pulled her against me, and with the other, I grabbed her chin and kissed her lips. She kissed her back immediately. At first, we kissed gently, without rushing. I set the pace of the kiss myself, which I liked. I felt Alice's hands on the back of my neck and smiled.

"I love you too," she said as we pulled away from each other. "But I'm so hungry I could eat a horse"

"I'm prepared for it. All is ready. Please follow me lady "

I smiled at her and took her hand.

"You are, aren't you?"

I saw the delight in Alice's eyes. She was definitely tired after a hard day at work and such a dinner was probably a surprise for her.

"Sit down, please" I pushed her chair back, waiting for her to sit down. As she did so, I moved her chair to the table. "I'll be right back" I kissed her forehead and went to the kitchen. I pulled out two white deep plates and laid out spaghetti on them. Decorated with grated cheese and a basil leaf.

"Honey, what are you doing there all the time?" I heard Alice's voice.

"I'm coming," I replied quickly and after a while I entered the dining room with two plates.

"Did you make spaghetti?" she asked, and I looked at her for a moment with fear in my eyes. She didn't like it?

"I ... yes. I found that ..."

"I love spaghetti!" Alice smiled and I let the air out of my lungs with relief.

"I'm very happy" I put my plate in front of her and then sat down next to her with my own plate. "Would you like a drink of wine?"

"No, not yet" Alice looked at me. "Let's enjoy our food"

"As you wish" I kissed her cheek.

We spent a good half an hour sitting and talking. The spaghetti had been eaten, and now we drank the wine slowly, enjoying the tranquillity of the house.

"Go to the bathroom, take a hot bath and I'll clean up," I said and got up to collect the plates.

"Okay, thank you" Alice smiled at me and walked towards the stairs.

After about ten minutes, I entered the dining room. Alice was still in the bathroom. I heard her singing.

"FP, what you prepared is beautiful" Alice came out of the bathroom in nothing but a short towel. I had to sit on the bed because she was so beautiful  . "But what occasion?" she asked and walked over to me. She stood between my parted legs and placed her hands on my shoulders. I lifted my head and looked at her, fighting inside not to throw myself at her. I wanted her so much.

"We rarely have the whole house to ourselves," I muttered and pushed her hair from her shoulder with one hand. "And I wanted to show you how much you mean to me," I smiled at her.

"Mhm" she smiled broadly. She leaned over me and kissed me passionately, and I immediately kissed her back. I put my hands on her hips and squeezed lightly. I pulled her to me and quickly set her down on the bed. I looked at her with a smile and pulled back the towel. "You're so beautiful," I muttered, staring at her body.

"And horny," she said honestly and grabbed my neck, pulling me against her again. I kissed her lips, then moved to her neck, kissing and licking. I heard a soft sigh from her lips and felt her hands struggle against the buttons on my shirt. I took my hands off her body for a while and helped her get rid of my shirt.

Then we quickly dealt with my jeans and boxer shorts, and when we were  naked and thirsty, our bodies fused together to cause fireworks. Our every sex was unique, but this one had a special meaning. I could feel it in her kisses, saw it in her eyes, saw this emotion for the first time in my life. Devotion - that was the emotion

After about ten minutes, I entered the dining room. Alice was still in the bathroom. I heard her singing.

"FP, what you prepared is beautiful" Alice came out of the bathroom in nothing but a short towel. I had to sit on the bed from the impression. "But what occasion?" she asked and walked over to me. She stood between my parted legs and placed her hands on my shoulders. I lifted my head and looked at her, fighting inside not to throw myself at her. I wanted her so much.

"We rarely have the whole house to ourselves," I muttered and pushed her hair from her shoulder with one hand. "And I wanted to show you how much you mean to me," I smiled at her.

"Mhm" she smiled broadly. She leaned over me and kissed me passionately, and I immediately kissed her back. I put my hands on her hips and squeezed lightly. I pulled her to me and quickly set her down on the bed. I looked at her with a smile and pulled back the towel. "You're so beautiful," I muttered, staring at her body.

"And horny," she said honestly and grabbed my neck, pulling me against her again. I kissed her lips, then moved to her neck, kissing and licking her. I heard a soft sigh from her lips and felt her hands struggle against the buttons on my shirt. I took my hands off her body for a while and helped her get rid of my shirt.

Then we quickly dealt with my pants and boxer shorts, and when we were completely naked and thirsty, our bodies joined together. It cause fireworks.

Our every sex was unique, but this one had a special meaning. I could feel it in her kisses, saw it in her eyes, saw this emotion for the first time in my life.

It was only during climax that I realized it was devotion.

Alice has committed herself fully to me today.

A/N: I'd like you to show some love and leave something in my new story "10 Letters that I wrote to You".  Chapter one will appear after soon. Take Care! ❤️

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