5. Take her to the school ball in 90s theme...

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Alice's POV:

"Hi guys, I have great news for you." Betty entered the house.

I looked at her, I was preparing dinner.

"What is this ?" I asked. FP put down the newspaper and looked at my daughter.

"There will be a ball at school this Saturday. The theme is the 90s"

Betty came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "And you will be our chaperones"

I looked at FP and then at Betty.

"And did any of you ask us?" I raised her eyebrow.

"No, but I knew you would agree," Betty grinned. "Mr. Jones?"

"Well, Alice, that's a good idea. We should agree," FP replied, and I rolled her eyes.

"I'm afraid, FP, we've already agreed, not even agreeing to it," I sighed and put the lasagne in the oven.

"Great. I knew I could count on you." Betty kissed my cheek and ran to her room. FP laughed and looked at me.

"I have nothing to wear," I murmured. "I don't know who I will dress up for"

"Maybe ..." FP licked my lip and came over to me. "You will be my Rose and I will be your Jack" he embraced me around my waist and pulled me to him. 

"Are you serious?" I looked at him, frowned.

"Deadly Serious" FP looked at me menacingly and bit his lip, trying to hide his smile.

"Okay, fine. I will be your Rose" I murmured and kissed him on the lips.

"Maybe we can recreate the scene in the car?" he murmured and pulled me to him, then sat me on the kitchen counter. FP grabbed my chin with one hand and started kissing my jaw, descending slowly to my neck. I sighed deeply.

"Mh-hm, but you won't eat anything if our dinner burns in the oven," I whispered in his ear and he groaned desperately and put his forehead on my shoulder.


The ball was tonight. I took a dress, jewelry, wig, and shoes from the closet and put it on the bed. I went to the bathroom to take a shower quickly.

"Sweetheart!" I heard FP.

"In the bathroom!" I screamed. I came out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I turned and stood in front of FP. He smiled at me.

"Ready for the ball?" he asked and I looked into his eyes.

"Yes, almost. Just makeup..." I murmured and skipped it. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"mhm, almost," he murmured and embraced me from behind. He kissed my neck and I looked at him in the mirror.

"Okay, you can stay here, but don't distract me because I have to get my makeup done" I winked and he nodded.

"Okay," he smiled feistily.

When my makeup was almost ready, FP pulled the towel off me.

"children can come in here," I murmured, and she shook his head.

"No, I locked the door, now you have nowhere to run," he laughed and turned me around.

"FP, but my makeup" I grunted as he started kissing my neck.

"Nothing will happen to it," he muttered and closed my mouth with a kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he hugged me tighter and pressed me against the wall.

"Oh, fuck," I whispered, and when our bodies joined together, I shouted.

"Don't scream" FP put a finger to my lips. "They can hear us," he murmured in my ear. I tilted my head back and bit my lower lip with all my strength.

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