a bloody bad day

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Meanwhile at durmstrang

Severus was about ready to bang his head against the wall, or better yet, Viktor's head would be better as he was the one annoying him. They hadn't gotten a letter from Leonidas in two days, and Viktor was throwing a massive fit over it. Normally this wouldn't bother Severus, however it was all the boy could talk about, in three different languages.

"Viktor, if you do not kindly cease and desist your caterwauling, I shall have no choice but to SLAM YOUR HEAD INTO THE STONE WALL!" He all but shouted in bulgarian, scaring several other students.

"But he hasn't written in days, what if he got hurt, or they found him, or-" Viktor was cut off by a book that just barely missed his head.

"Did it ever cross your feeble mind, that perhaps he has written and his owl just took a break to rest and hunt?" Severus growled, rubbing at his temples harshly.

"Er.... No, I guess not" Viktor mumbled, casting his gaze downward.

"There is no need to worry, and if we do not head to lunch soon I will flay you alive and use your organs as potions ingredients!" Severus growled, before continuing down the corridor to the dining hall.

'Honestly,' he thought, 'we would know if anything happened to Leo, I'm sure of it.' Severus was quite tired of school, almost wishing he had opted for homeschooling with Leo until he was old enough to join durmstrang. He sat at an empty table, barely acknowledging his fiancée sitting next to him as he piled some food on his plate.

"I... Apologize Severus, I had not known I was irritating you so, I just miss him." Viktor said quietly.

"I understand, however if you would please internalize it as not to give me a headache I would appreciate it." Severus replied.

They both looked up at the sound of wings, to see a Gringots owl flying towards them. They looked at each other, sharing a look of true worry, as Gringots would never alert them unless it had something to do with the contract or Leo. As soon as the owl landed, Severus took the missive, as viktor offered the owl a drink. A soft sob from Severus had Viktor snatching the letter from his fingers, and quickly reading through it. Moments later, the hall watched in shock as both boys stood and ran from the room, tears falling down their cheeks.

Severus ran, he didn't know where he was going but he ran as fast as he could to get there. He could hear Viktor behind him, stumbling ever fourth step. He stopped as he heard Viktor fall, he turned, falling to his knees as well. Viktor clumsily crawled to Severus, wrapping his arms around the crying boys shoulders.

Severus broke in that moment, screaming out all of his pain, vaguely hearing Viktor echoing his screams. He wrapped his arms around Viktor, crying into the shorter boys shoulder, as Viktor did the same. It took what felt like hours, but in truth was only a few minutes, for one of the teachers to find them.

Professor Ivanovich, the schools potions master, had summoned the letter just after the boys had left the hall. He had seen the small smile form and quickly leave the face of his potions prodigy. He scanned the letter quickly, before sending a message to the headmaster and following after the young boys. He stopped and fell suddenly as the castle began to shake with the boys anguished cries. He shakely stood, and stumbled his way around the last corner, falling once again at the pulse of power the boys were giving off.

The headmaster was only moments behind him, along with a few other professors who cared for the boys. They watched, mesmerised as the hall around them shattered from their grief. Ivanovich handed the letter to the headmaster, as he slowly pushed his way through the magic, wincing at every hit he took. As soon as he reached the boys, he placed a hand on each boys head, causing them to slump to the floor, unconscious. A pratronus was quickly sent to each set of parents, and the boys were levitated to the medical room. They were each given a week of leave, and allowed more if it was needed.

No one aside from the professor's knew why, but the students all knew. There was truly only one thing both boys cared for outside of lessons.

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