Potter's in Trouble

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Lily Potter was a smart woman, or at least she believed to be so after hearing it in school. She could make any potion, understand any kind of spell theory. However, she could not for the life of her understand why her husband suddenly wanted their son back. It wasn't like he was smart as their Isabella, or as powerful as her.

Either way, Lily found herself in the basement, making every ministry approved location potion for her husband. She wouldn't even think to let herself brew the illegal ones. She wasn't stupid, she knew if she even touched on anything illegal James would scream for hours. An auror he may be, but he wouldn't arrest his own wife.

"Are you done yet?" Think of the devil and he shall be there.

"Yes James, though I still expect an explanation as to why I needed to brew all these." She said, bottling up the last potion that she made. "The little brat is with my sister, you'll have him back in a few years. It's not like he's anything more than a spare."

"Except the Potter line is patriarchal, and Isabella cannot inherit. He is our first born and my heir, I need him back as I need those contracts." James said distractedly.

"What contracts? And if someone already has them, why do you need the brat?"

"Because they are marriage contracts, and the families only have boys. I'm sure if we offer up Isabella's brother they will gladly accept."

"Then why use the brat? Isabella has been asking about betrothals, why not give them to her?"

"Because both of the other heirs are.... You know... That way inclined." James shivered.

"How could you bring that into our house?! That is disgusting!" Lily screamed, easily forgetting how her parents raised her to accept everyone. In fact, her parents had gotten ahold of her last week and were demanding to come see her and her family.

"Because it is two Royal lines and Isabella has already said she won't even think about being with them." James told her distractedly, dropping his blood into each vial of potion Lily had brewed.

"That's why you don't give them the choice, force the issue. Where is Isabella anyway? She's never this late coming home."

"She's staying with the Flamels, just until dinner, then we shall go and retrieve her." James was lost in thought, trying to remember everything that had happened so far.

He had replayed the argument with Nickolas Flamels several times since he had returned home. Something about it seemed off to him, but he couldn't place his finger on what it was. Then it hit him, Nicholas had said, "he is MY son, no matter what family he is the heir to." If Leonidas wasn't born to the Flamels...

~with Lily's parents~

Wilfred, and Diana Evans were concerned about their daughter. In the last few years, she has only contacted them a few times, all but ignoring their requests to see their grandchildren.

They still remembered the excitement in Lily's voice when she told them she was having twins. But they hadn't seen either grandchild since they had turned four, and so naturally, they had grown concerned. Especially since Lily only ever seemed to write about Isabella. If they hadn't had a picture with little Harry's name, they wouldn't have remembered it. Lily never spoke of another child, only ever gushing about how amazing Isabella was.

Every time they visited, Lily had told them Harry was away visiting friends. What child was at a friend's on Christmas, or their birthday? Diana had finally had enough, one way or another she was going to see her grandson.

"I can't take this anymore Willy, I have to see my grandchildren. Where did you put that key thing they gave us last year?" Diana asked, storming into her husband's office and tearing through his desk.

"No dear, not the desk. I believe it's on the bookshelf, maybe one of the boxes." Wilfred said, not yet looking up from his paper. He had heard this rant a few times already, and had moved the small horse Lily had gave them next to his favorite chair.

He understood where his wife was coming from, but he believed if they were going to get any answers, they would have to catch Lily by surprise. Even as a child, she was never good at lying on the spot, a trait that had followed her into adult hood.

"Did you send them a letter?" He asked, calmly turning a page.

"No, she won't respond. I just have this horrible feeling about Harry. I don't care if they aren't home, I will search the entire property if I have to to find him." She said, slamming yet another box closed on the bookshelf. She turned ready to snap at her husband for not helping her look, when she spotted the small toy.

It was the same toy she had given Harry on his fourth birthday, the last time she had seen him. She glares at the toy, only just now realizing that they must have taken it from him.

Wilfred looked up at the sudden silence, and seeing where is wife was looking, grabbed the toy. Her glare switched to him, but before she could utter a word, he placed her hand on the toy as well.

"Save it for our daughter." He said. With a whispered "Bella" they disappeared.

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