This is our nightmare

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By the time Severus had woken, Viktor had already moved into his bed, and curled around him. A sob broke free from his chest as the memories from that morning resurfaced. He buried his face into Viktor's chest, wishing this was nothing but a bad dream. Leo was fine, his happy smiling Leo was still with them, waiting for them to return in just a few months. He would be there waiting at the station to hug them, crying even.

He brought forth all of his memories of being with Leo, crying harder as he realized everything they would never get. They would never get to see him open his presents again. Never see him smile, hear his bell like laugh, or argue with him over potions or spells. Never see him grow up, or join durmstrang with them. A harsh sob tore from his throat as he realized they would never get to marry him, or fight over who got his first kiss.

He felt Viktor's arms tighten around him, and he looked up to see Viktor crying as well. It was clear they were thinking the same thing. Severus looked away, taking in the room they were currently in. It was his bedroom, at his manor, they were home.

The door opened, revealing his mother and father, neither smiled. Severus could hear voices coming from somewhere outside, down the hall somewhere. His mother walked up and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Have you heard?" He whispered.

"Only what your teachers have told us, we can't get ahold of the family, not even Bella." She said softly. He couldn't hear anymore, he shook his head and turned completely into Viktor's chest. He listened as his parents left, crying softly until he once again fell asleep.

At Gringots

Pernell lifted her son from the floor, tears still falling from her eyes as she held him close. Even with the goblins promises, she hadn't believed them until she saw her baby walk out of that door. Nicholas was beside her in an instant, his arms wrapped around them both, his forehead against his sons, and his tears falling on his sons cheeks.

"If I may, shall we move this to a more private setting?" Merlin asked ragnock, who nodded and started ushering the small group into his office.

Bella sat motionless on the floor, in a state of shock, having completely missed her brother coming back out of the room. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to understand what had happened less than an hour ago. A sleeping drought was spelled into her stomach, as merlin lifted her in his arms. She was asleep before he entered the room.

Pernell heard Nick mumble their password through a floo, sealing their house completely. She understood the need, but part of her felt there was something they had forgotten.

"I'm sure you two have questions," merlin said softly after settling bella on a transfigured couch.

"Not really, the goblins had explained it while you threw your tantrum. I'm sad to say I didn't wholey believe them until you stepped back through." Pernell said, Nick nodding from beside her.

"Your son mentioned his betrothed's in his memories, and wrote them a letter before he entered the memory chamber. Will you need to go retrieve them for this talk?"

"No, not yet, we aren't ready to let him go just yet. We will let them know by the end of the day."

Merlin nodded, and proceeded to tell them of his life, and his deal with the goblins. Explaining that his biological children had become power hungry, so he locked his vaults and himself, suspended and locked until a magical heir was found. Telling them of a prophecy made by his wife before the birth of their first child.

He told them of his war, explaining that Morgana was his wife, and her sister Mildred was the true dark lady of his time. How his children had started using his name to climb higher in their society, yet never claiming him as their father. How his wife had done the same as he had, but her statue was in his vault.

By the end, the flamels were shocked speechless. It was late into the night, and they decided to invite Merlin and Morgana to come stay with them as both children were still sleeping. Their home was left on lock down for the next two days, just until Leo woke calling out to Severus and Viktor.

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