Welcome Leonidas Flamel-Emreys

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At the bank, the Flamels were led back to a ritual room, where they were filling out paperwork for the adoption.

"Harry, do you  want to choose your new name?" Albus asked, seeing that Harry was busy staring at a corner of the room that was covered in charms.

"No, you pick grandpa." Harry replied climbing off his chair and going to inspect the corner. He could vaguely see the outline of a statue, and of a goblin. "Excuse me, master goblin, but why are you hiding yourself and a statue in the corner?" Harry whispered.

"You can see me?" Came a gruff voice from the corner, also whispering.

"Well not specifically, I can see your outlines, and you've been shifting a lot like your feet or back have an owie."

"Well, you aren't entirely wrong, but how can you see me back here?"

"I don't know, grandpa says I'm really smart, and really strong. I don't feel strong though, it's still really hard to pick up a stool." Harry pouted, causing the goblin to chuckle.

"Well, if you will step back, I shall come out. I have a feeling our king will want to speak with you young wizard." Harry did step back, only to see the goblin step forward, instead of letting the charm fall. Harry glared at the charm barrier, he had wanted to see the statue as well.

Harry yelped, and ran as the charm fell, scared that he would be in a lot of trouble for breaking the goblins charm. Everyone else starred shocked at the corner, especially the goblins who had just entered the room. One yelled in gobbledegook, and the others quickly ran from the room. Harry hid himself in his grandpa's lap, shaking like a leaf with tears running freely down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Harry cried softly over and over again. He wasn't stupid, goblins could take offense at even the smallest of things. Grandpa Albus had taught him some of the goblin customs, and he was fluent in Gobbledegook, but he was sure that this could end his life. To say he was scared was an understatement, he was utterly terrified.

"Get Ragnok in here now!" Shouted the goblin who was hiding, starring at Harry in awe, which could easily be mistaken for anger.  "How did you do that?" 

"I-I just wanted to see th-the st-tatue…. I-I didn't mean to destroy it…. I'm sorry, please don't take my head!" Harry cried from Albus' neck.

"Your head?!? No, child, that barrier was put up for goblins by Merlin himself! No one should have been able to break it except his heir!" 

"We could do an inheritance test, but it could be a coincidence. Harry is a very powerful young boy, it could have just been his wish magic." Albus said, still comforting the boy in his lap. The goblin nodded, and glared at the door, waiting for the group to return with Ragnok.

Twenty minutes later, the door banged open again, scaring Harry who had finally calmed down again. Ragnok seemed to be the tallest goblin, standing half a head above all the others, and even with Harry. 

"I'm so sorry Ragnok, please forgive me" Harry said in Gobbledegook, bowing at the tall goblin. Ragnok was shocked, such a young child fluent in Gobbledegook, almost as if he was raised speaking it. He decided to continue speaking his native tongue.

"Apologies accepted childe, but what are you apologizing about?"

"I took down the charm on the corner, I only wanted to see the statue…" 

"I see, we shall have to test you childe, see if you are truly telling the truth." Ragnok was sceptical that the childe took the charms down. He was sure it was probably the older wizard behind the boy. Harry nodded and went to sit beside Pernell, he didn't mean to do it, but he would take the punishment.

Harry watched the goblins gather in the corner, he knew they were deciding his punishment. He decided to look at the statue, now that he could see it clearly. It was a statue of Merlin himself, but it was a bit different than the pictures. The statue showed a younger Merlin, maybe James's age, and he was smiling. The statue looked to be fairly new, but he guessed charms could protect it from ageing. Harry dearly wanted to ask the goblins about it, and if they knew what really happened to Merlin.

"Childe, come here!" Came the hidden goblins voice, and Harry quickly scampered over. "Slice your hand and let your blood fall in this bowl."

"Yes master goblin," Harry whispered, and did as was bid. When he had given enough blood, the goblin grabbed the bowl, and Harry healed his hand, wiping the spare blood on his trousers. Not noticing the shocked looks, Harry walked back to his Grandpa Albus. It only took a few minutes after that and the goblins were standing in front of them again. Harry hung his head, silent tears falling down his face. He just knew he was going to lose his new mommy and daddy.

The goblins said nothing, just handed Nicholas a roll of parchment. Nick stared shocked at the parchment, then handed it to Albus. Nick grabbed Harry, pulling him into his lap, and hugged him close. Pernell, curious as she was, grabbed the parchment from Albus' hands. She was shocked at what she saw, but she supposed it made sense.

The parchment read:

Harry James Potter 

Mother: Lily Marie Potter né Evans 

Father: James Charlus Potter 

Siblings: Isabella Rosemary Potter

Heir to:





Slytherin(by conquest)

Emery's ( by magic)

Lord to:


Slytherin (by conquest)

Emery's (by magic)

Monetary vaults: 

(See account manager)


(See account manager)

Marriage contracts:

Made between Potter and Romanov (now Krum) in 1894 (active)

Made by Peverell and Prince in 1645(active)

"Who is Harry's account manager?" Nick finally asked.

"As of a few minutes ago, I am, My name is Snarltooth." Said the hidden goblin.

"Wonderful, I'd like to get all his vaults condensed if I could, and we would like to adopt him." 

"Also, could you call the Krum and Prince families here?" Pernell asked. "I would like to see their take on these contracts."

"Contracts? What contracts?" Nick asked.

" Honestly, you men and your obsessions with power and money! The two marriage contracts the Potter's have, either he or Bella need to fulfil them. And I seriously doubt they will make Bella take them, even if she wants them." Pernell mumbled the last part so Harry wouldn't hear. Snarltooth quickly had the papers out and ready to sign, and after ten minutes he was theirs.

"Harry, it's time to change your name, what name would you like?" Nick asked.

"Umm I like the name Leo…" Harry said.

"How about Leonidas then? Leonidas Flynn?" Pernell asked, she had wanted to name her own son that when they started trying.

"I like it," Harry smiled. "But what about my last name?"

"For now it will be Flamel-Emreys, but that could change after your married." Nick said

"Married?!? I'm only four!"

"Not now sweetheart," Pernell laughed. " Down the road, you have two people to marry one day."

"Two? But I thought you could only marry one person?"

"Well, I'll let them explain shall I?" Pernell said pointing to the door, which had opened to show two families.

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