A Trip to the Bank

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Nick had decided that the kids had worked hard and earned a break. He cancelled lessons and called for a trip to the alley instead. The first stop would be to the bank, of course.

"Uncle Nick, can we stop at the sweet shop before we leave? I'd like to pick up some candy for Sev and Viktor." Bella asked.

"Of course my dear, I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Nick answered. His mind was on what he was about to do. He was going to press charges against that man. What kind of father hurts his own daughter? He would have to call Albus again tonight when they returned home.

Nick talked to a goblin as Leo took a look around. He hadn't been to this bank since the day he was adopted. He remembered the statue, and wondered if he could talk to Snarltooth again to see the statue. Then he saw him, and quickly called out in gobbledegook.

"Master Snarltooth!" Leo called waving. Snarltooth looked up, and gave a goblin grin.

"Young heir, it is good to see you again, what can we do for you?"

"Could I go and see the statue again? I didn't mean to mess up the charm, but I wanted to see it and I never really got to. If I can't that's fine!" Leo rushed out, slightly scared he had offended the goblin. Snarltooths face had gone slack at the question.

"Of course young heir, it looks as if you will be going to the room anyway, I shall accompany you." Snarltooth said, looking over Leo's shoulder. Leo turned and saw his dad, and a goblin waving them over. Leo followed all the while asking Snarltooth questions about the past few years.

"Did you get any more accounts besides mine?"

"I did, I am now the manager of three family accounts, along with yours."

"How does your spouse feel about that? I'm sure it has you working longer hours."

"He was shocked, but happy all the same. He is in line for a promotion as a teller this year." Snarltooth was a little shocked the heir had remembered what they had spoke of last time he was here.

" Is the statue still new? Or has it started to age?" 

"It is many centuries old, young heir, however it still looks brand new." 

"How long until-" his question was cut off as they had entered the room. He felt the pull to the statue again, same as last time.

"May I go close and see the statue? May I touch it?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I feel a pull towards it, as though it wants to tell me something. Like when grandpa's pheonix wants to speak to me, he summons me with his magic." 

Snarltooth was again shocked speechless. Only the chief knew about how the statue came to be and it was never said to have magic.

"Let me summon  Ragnok, I'm sure he would like to weigh in. As chief it is his decision in the end if you may touch the stone."

It took only three minutes for the chief to get there, and another minute to get the okay. Leo approached the statue and circled it twice, never noticing he had the entire room's attention. They had stopped all business to see what would happen. 

Slowly, Leo raised his hand over the heart of the statue and took a deep breath. His hand settled on the statue, and he felt a pulse run through his body, then a bright white light filled the room. As the light faded two figures dropped to the floor, and pandemonium ensued.

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