Waking up

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It was the worst nightmare he had ever had, and he cried even nowas his mother ran in to comfort him.

He was back in the bank, just walking out of the vault. Instead of the hall he walked into Severus's room at Snape Manor. He saw Severus and Viktor on the bed, and Elaine begging them to get up, to at least eat something. She told them he wouldn't want them wasting away like this.

He took a closer look, and what he saw scared him. They were gaunt, both having lost significant weight, and honestly looking half dead. He called, screamed and begged for them to get up, to come to him.

"He's dead, what does it matter now? Our beloved is dead." Severus cried, ignoring his cries. He ran forward, but just as he was about to grab them he woke.

"Severus! Viktor!" He screamed, he yelled over and over until he was hoarse. Pernell quickly called Nick, and begged him to unlock the wards and get the families to the house.

"He is trapped in a vision," Merlin said as he entered the room.

"Can you help him?" Pernell begged.

"You already have, by gathering those he is calling for. I pray they come quickly, before his magic starts to react as well"

Tobias and Alexander were the only ones to arrive at first.

"They will not leave the bed, our wives have tried everything." Tobias  told Nick.

"With the death ov their betrothed, I can't blame dem." Alexander murmered.

"Leonidas isn't dead, the goblins lied to him, he-" Nick was cut off as Leo screamed once more for the two. The men's eyes widened for a moment before they both quickly fled through the floo.

They landed sprawled on the floor, before they both jumped up and ran to the room their sons were in.

"Severus, Viktor, the floo is open." Tobias gasped, Alexander gasping behind him.

"What does it matter?" Severus croaked back.

"It matters because you are going to get your arse out of that bed and go see Leonidas." Tobias said sternly.

"Ve don't vant to see a corpse." Viktor said softly. Alexander cursed before stunning both boys, to the shock of both Snape's.

"Vot? You have a better idea?" Getting two shakes of the head, he levitated both boys down and through the floo. Tobias enervated them as soon as they were set on the floor. Severus glared and opened his mouth, probably to tell, when both boys froze. They had heard it, hoarse and increadably faint but there.

Both boys glanced at each other, before leaving the room so fast the adults thought they had aparated.

They burst into the room, eyes immediately locking on to the crying figure on the bed. They rushed over, one on each side and held him, Pernell only just getting out of the way in time.

"Your boys truly are magical," merlin whispered, getting several unseen nods in return as a glow surrounded the three on the bed.

Leo slowly stopped screaming, coming back from his horrible dream,only to feel two sets of arms around him. He knew those arms, had felt them all summer during sleepovers, and at birthdays, and the day they boarded the train. His eyes opened, only to stare straight at Severus. He turned his head, and there was Viktor as well, both had tears running down their faces.

He did the only thing he could think of, he threw himself at them, first at Severus, then Viktor. None of them noticed the  seven year old girl, who was guided in by Nick, until she jumped on the bed as well. Bella pushed both boys off her brother, and hugged him as hard as she could. In seconds it was a large group hug between the four, and the adults left the room.

Pernell, Nick, and Merlin explained everything to the others, profusely apologizing for not calling them sooner. To say they were shocked was an understatement, but probably the best word for it. Pernell went to check on the children, as it had been quite a few hours since they left them. She smiled as she saw all four curled together, bella on top of Leo, and a boy on each side. She took a few quick pictures before leaving the room.

On the way downstairs, Merlin the crup decided it was time to leave his Masters side and followed her down. He barked with each step as he always had, causing Pernell to laugh and wait for him at the bottom. He sat at her feet, giving her a look that so clearly said 'pick me up and feed me.' she laughed once more and lifted him easily, shifting her pictures into the other hand.

"I see Merlin finally decided to grace us with his presence." Nick laughed, causing Merlin to give him a funny look. They all laughed at that, as Pernell handed the pictures to Elaine to show the rest as she went to get Merlin something to eat.

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