Letters and a Falling out

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Leo woke the next morning to an owl tapping on his window. He was so eager to get to his window he fell face first out of his bed, causing Nick to laugh as he had come to wake Leo up for breakfast.

"You know the owl won't fly off if you don't let it in, look for a new window, sure, but he won't fly away. Eros knows better than to run off with your letters, he wants his bacon."

"Yeah Sev spoils him, but I think he deserves it this time. He flew all night to get here, and I want him to rest before I send him back." Leo said, as he finally untangled himself and got the window open. Eros nodded to him holding out his leg with not one but two letters. As soon as he was relieved he flew to the nest he had made in the southwest corner of the room to sleep, he had spent a lot of time there.

"He scares me sometimes, anyhoo, you can read your letters after breakfast when you can reply. You have afternoon lessons today so you have all morning to write back." Getting a sad nod, he pulled his son from the room, still in his pajamas.

"What lessons are today? I know potions and charms, but what's the other two?"

"Etiquette, and transfiguration with a new tutor, a mister lupin I think." Leo's face drained of color, as he fell into his chair. " What's wrong Leo?"

"Uncle Mooney is my new tutor?" Leo asked shakily.

"Oh dear, well yes, but I can make the class just for Bella instead if you wish."

"No! I can't leave her alone with him! Just… just make sure he can't tell the Potter's…" Nick nodded, worried about the man who had come almost begging for a job. He also worried about the dog he had with him and if Merlin would get along with it. He didn't want the poor thing attacked in his home. Pernell would kill him for the mess of blood.

After breakfast, as promised, leo was waved away to read his letters. He all but ran back to his room to read them.

Dearest Leo

Well we made it, it took almost the entire day. The school is magnificent, and it's not separated like Hogwarts. The years each have a common room, and we share rooms with one or two others of our choice. Of course Severus and I share, like he would let anyone else share with him.

I miss you, it sounds sappy I know, it's only been a day. But I miss your laugh and your smile, I even miss your deadly hugs. I'm sure Severus won't admit it but he misses you too. Ask write he is listing things you would have hanging or laying around even now. There's not much to tell you about right now, but I'll still write about everything in my next letter.

All my love,


Harry laughed wiping tears from his eyes as he read. That was definitely his Victor. 


We made it alive, though I'm sad you were not with us. The room I share with Victor is so empty, and I fear I'm use to you cluttering up space from when you spent the nights with us. It will be tough to get use to, but I'll manage. I'll inform you of the classes as I'm sure Victor will tell you of everything else.


Your Severus

And that was Severus, short and to the point. He quickly wrote both replies, and set them aside to send that night. Looking at the clock he saw he still had about an hour before Bella came over. He figured he could teach Merlin to play chess, or maybe take a nap.

Sadly, before he could choose, he heard raised voices from downstairs. And he knew all four. He quickly raced downstairs, Merlin hot on his heals. He skidded to a stop just outside the living room, fear etched across his face at what he heard.

"You had no right to take those contracts! They belong to the Potter family!" Shouted James.

"They also belonged to the prince and Krum families you imbecile! Who we choose to fill the agreements is up to us!" Shouted Tobias.

"They rightfully belong to Isabella as the only Potter child!" James yelled.

"Wrong! They belong to the eldest child as rightful magical heir!" Nick roared.

"You gave Harry away, you have no right to argue this point James!" Remus said pleadingly.

"He is dead, Remus! I just want the contracts back-" ,James was cut off by Bella coming through the floo.

"No James! I will not marry Severus or Victor! They love Leo and I won't take that away from my br-best friend!" Isabella shouted before stomping over to hug Leo.

"Tobias, would you take the children to the library please." Nick said into the silence Bella created. Tobias nodded and sending one last glare at James guided the children out.

"Now you listen to me, James, if you want to keep this up, I have all the time in the world. I will not let you destroy my son's life over a petty argument. And he is MY son, no matter what family he is the heir to. Leave this house and never set foot here again." Nick said coldly.

"Fine, come-on Remus." James said, turning to go get his daughter.

"No James, I am here for a job, and part of that job is to teach your daughter. You want to leave fine, but if you take her with you, I will not teach her." Remus said quietly.

" So you'd pick that brat over your own goddaughter?" James snarled.

"Harry was my godchild too or did you forget! I will not lose my last cub because of you James!" Remus roared, his eyes bleeding Amber as the wolf Rose to the surface. James stumbles back, afraid of his friend for the first time, before squaring his shoulders and leaving the room. Finding Isabella he pulled her harshly away from Leo, causing a scream to tear from her throat.

"Get your hands off her!" Leo shouted, his magic swirling around him.

"No, she's going home and she will never be coming back!" James shouted back, still yanking his daughter's arm. Suddenly he was thrown against the wall, and Tobias was kneeling next to Bella. "Get your hands off her, death eater!"

"Oh, so you can rip her arm off? You've dislocated her shoulder, you imbecile!" Tobias shouted at him. James stared wide eyed at his daughter, crying on the floor and holding her arm. He could see a bruise forming on her wrist where he had grabbed her. Shaking his head, he turned and fled the house.

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