Not Letting You Go

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Leo awoke in a cocoon of limbs, feeling better than he had since Sev and Viktor left. He snuggled into the warmth behind him, only to realize that he had left the warmth infront of him. Before he could really comprehend what that meant, the warmth scooted closer to him. He smiled and threw an arm out over the larger lump of warm.

"Oh yes, get comfortable now, as I'm sure your mother has much to say to you Leonidas." Came a voice from the end of his bed. Suddenly Leo found himself buried under a body, with twin growls coming from above him. Slowly everything came back to him, his letter, Merlin, his dream.

Tears came to his eyes as he remembered his dream. His eyes snapped open, scared that his beloveds would be gone. All he saw was black, and that scared him even more than dying had.

"Sev! Viktor!" He cried, honestly terrified that he was alone. That seeing them was all a dream. "Bell!" He screamed, remembering she was there as well, in the bank. He completely ignored the hands and arms wrapping themselves around him, too lost in his minds torture.

The next thing he registered, he was on the ground, with three bodies infront of him. The volume of the room had risen drastically, and the only thing he could hear over the noise was his own frantic breaths. Why was he breathing so loud? Had he been running? No.... He had just woke up, with someone in his bed. No... Two someone's.

His eyes finally focused enough to register exactly who was standing in front of him. With in seconds, his arms were wrapped around the slim waist of his oldest boyfriend, pulling him back away from the angry adults.

Severus grabbed Viktor and Isabella's elbows dragging them back with him. Unseen by the children, a golden shield erected itself between the groups.

"No! They're mine! You can't have them!" Leo screamed from behind Severus. The shield seemed to glow brighter before seeming to solidify.

~Outside with the adults~

"You absolute idiot! How dare you! You will be lucky to get within ten feet of my baby-" Pernell was cut off with a quick silencing charm.

"Vhile ve all agree Nicholas is an idiot, there is still de matter off our children being locked avay. Not to mention dat de Potter's vill be coming to collect young bella soon." Alexander said calmly.

"But I didn't-" Nicholas started weakly, only to be silenced himself.

"Yes, his carelessness in word choice is astounding." Tobias mumbled. Merlin barking from his arms in agreement. "However, I do believe that given time the children will calm Leonidas down. Maybe if we simply leave, they will sense the danger is gone and come out?"

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave them completely, but Merlin will bark if they come out." Elaine said calmly.

No one seemed to notice the wizard Merlin easily walking through the shield.

~meanwhile inside the shield~

"No! Your not leaving me!" Leo screamed into Viktor's chest, having sat himself in Severus's lap.

"Ve vill have to, ve still had school." Viktor pointed out, his words belied by his grip tightening on his little love.

"No, I quite agree with Leo, I will not leave him again. I would rather be tutored at home than take the chance of truly losing him." Severus said, his own arms tightening around Leo's waist.

"Or, and I'm just throwing this out there, you could leave him with me, as he is my heir." A voice said from behind them. Everyone jumped, and tried to turn to face the boy who had just appeared. Instead they all ended up on top of each other on the floor.

"Mmf mhnnfg hndng hnn" came Leo's voice from inside Viktor's chest.

"I'm sorry, I haven't learned that language, could you repeat that please." The boy said, sitting down next to the body pile.

"I said, I forgot about him, meaning you." Leo said, lifting his head the small amount that he could.

"Yes that tends to happen when you are scared, even more so when you're parents are neanderthals who can't think before they speak."

"And who are you?" Severus growled, trying to shift so he could block Leo from this stranger. However, he quickly found himself unable to move as Leo quickly grabbed him to pull him back.

"Leo you need to let go," Viktor said, his voice almost a growl.

"No thanks, but if you would." Leo said as he maneuvered both boys into sitting positions and sat himself on both of them.

"You do realize, you are the only threat in this room to me correct?" The boy asked.

"Yes, but I'm not letting them hurt themselves."

"Could someone explain? Preferably before mum and dad get here to take me home?" Bella asked.

~outside the shield~

"Hey, where did Merlin go?" Nicholas asked from his spot tied up on the floor.

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