Meeting the Inlaws

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The first family that entered was pale, almost like vampires. The mother had long silky black hair, a slightly hooked nose, and baby blue eyes. The father had short light brown hair, a sharp jaw, and deep black eyes. The boy in the middle was the perfect blend of the two, with black hair, a hooked nose and black eyes.

The second family was a little different. The mother was blonde and a bit round in Harry's opinion. She had violet eyes, and a very nice smile. The father was tall, and he had light brown hair. He had brown eyes, and looked a bit like he needed a nap, he seemed grumpy. Their son looked just like his dad, but he had something wrong with his feet. He waddled.

"May I introduce Lord Tobias Snape, lady Elaine Prince, and Heir Severus Snape-Prince. And following them Lord Alexander Krum lady Veronica Krum, and heir Victor Krum." Snarltooth introduced the newcomers.

"A pleasure to meet you, I am Nicholas and this is my wife Pernell. Our friend Albus Dumbledore, and our son Leonidas Flamel-Emreys, who used to be Harry Potter."

"Potter you say? Well now that makes sense, James was always hot headed. He would only want the famous child." Tobias sneered.

"I am to take eet that we are here for ze contracts?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, Harry needs a bit of an explanation about it. I thought it may be better if we could all explain it." Pernell said.

"I'm not stupid, Pernell…" Leonidas said, looking at his feet.

"No sweetheart your not, but in sure the others would like an explanation as well, and you may be able to help them. You are a very smart boy, and I'm sure you will pick it up first."

"Oh ok!" Leonidas was smiling now. Everyone took their seats, with all three boys sitting together.

"Now boys," Pernell started. "How much do you understand about contracts?"

"Ze keep you on track to do with you had to," Victor said.

"No, they are guidelines, they can map out the future!" Severus argued.

"A contract is a written agreement between two or more parties that insures that every member holds up their end of the deal." Leonidas said, glad his grandpa had explained it to him.

"Correct Leo, now between the three of you there are two marriage contracts." Alexander said, rather shocked at the four year old.

"Two? Why two and not one?"Severus asked.

"Well, because there is one between Victor and Leo, and one between you and Leo, Severus."Pernell explained.

"So wut does it mean?" Victor asked.

"It means that the two of you will one day be married to Leo." Tobias said.

"Then why not one contract?" Severus asked again. " Why not join the contracts and all three of us marry each other?" The adults looked at eachother, slightly shocked they didn't think of it.

" We may just do that, Severus." Nick said with a smile. Severus nodded, and turned to look at the boys beside him, as the padults talked amongst themselves. He knew the little one was smart but knew nothing about the other boy.

"Victor?" Severus asked.


"Tell me about you, if we are going to be together forever, I want to know who you are." 

"Vell, I am sefen, but I vill be eight next veek, my fazer iz ze minister for Bulgaria, and I like to fly."

"I see, what is your favorite subject in primary?"

"I am very good at maths, but I prefer to read, mozer is teaching me engleesh, but it is 'ard."

"We can help with that, what about you Leonidas?"

"I graduated primary, but alchemy is my favorite subject that grandpa Albus teaches me!"

"Alchemy? You're a baby! How could you learn alchemy? Mother only just agreed to teach me potions!"

"I am not a baby! I'm four! And Grandpa says I'm the brightest boy he ever saw!" Leo yelled, and with tears falling ran to his Grandpa to tell on the mean boy.

"I think you upset heem, Severus" Victor said, standing and going to see if he could help the boy. He agreed that Leo was awfully young to learn alchemy, but he wouldn't have put it that way. Severus looked down at his lap, he was upset, both with himself and Leo. He didn't say it to be mean, he was just shocked, but he didn't need to yell. He knew he would have to apologize, not that he was happy about it, he was a very stubborn little boy as mother said.

"Leo, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be mean, it's just surprising. I'm eight and I wasn't allowed to learn potions until my birthday last month. I guess I'm a little jealous you got to learn something so young." Severus said, after walking over under the sharp glare of his mother.

"You promise not to be mean?" Leo asked, little hiccuping sobs coming out still.

"I promise to try not to be mean, mother says I'm stubborn. She said it would cause problems with me making friends one day." Severus said stiffly, not liking having to admit that.

"Da, mozer sayz ze same about me." Victor chimed in. Leo thought for a moment then nodded giving the two a small smile.

"Well, now that that's settled, would you like to join us for lunch and a trip to the park?" Pernell asked, getting agreements from the parents. 

As they left the bank, it seemed as if the boys had forgotten about the little fight as they talked excitedly about their favorite thing at the park. They all loved the swings, as it was as close to flying as you got without a broom.

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