♡ Asking out ♡

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(Y/n): your name

Warnings: none

- you had to leave soon since your funds were running low
- she threw you a surprise farewell party
- pulled you aside to speak with you privately
- a stuttering and blushing mess
- "W-would you... Perhaps... Like to go on a d-date with me some time?"
- you of course said yes
- after a long hug you returned to the party and played with Sidon for some time before going to sleep

- you had once again come back to Gerudo Town, this time for a vacation of sorts
- really you just wanted to see her again
- you were just looking around the shops when you ran into her
- literally ran into her
- you fell on the ground and she laughed at your clumsiness
- not in a mean way of course
- she picked you up
- "Hello there, little shopkeep, what are you doing here?"
- you two have a short conversation
- "Say shopkeep, would you like to go eat lunch with me sometime?"
- you blush lightly but quickly shrug it off and answer with a yes
- she smiles at you and winks
- "I'll see you tomorrow at 11, then"

- Zelda had appeared in the lab early in the morning, seemingly angry about something
- you thought it better to leave her alone for a moment
- after a while you went over to check on her
- she was sitting in a corner with teary eyes
- you quickly went over to her and wrapped your arms around her
- you talked it out with her and got her some cake from the kitchens
- you were sitting with her just letting her eat the dessert
- "Hey (Y/n)... Would you like to go to this new bakery next Sunday?"
- you stared at her for a while but then quickly nodded as a response
- she smiled at you brightly and finished the cake
- "I'll see you on the courtyard next Sunday, then."
- she quickly rose up from her seat and left you to sit there all flustered

- you quickly became friends with the genius eccentric
- even though she was quite the flirt
- you didn't take it too seriously though as not to get your hopes up
- one day she was even flirtier than normal
- you got concerned about the sudden change
- "Hey, Purah, i-is everything okay? Y-you're acting stranger than normal... Is t-there anything I can do to help?"
-she stared at you before smirking and winking
- "You can go on a date with me"
- you blushed bright red
- "R-r-re-really?!?" you spluttered out
- she just laughed as a response, nodding
- "O-okay!"
- that made her grin and kiss your cheek

- after realizing her feelings for you she ran straight to the bakery
- "(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)!!!"
- she burst through the backdoor, panting
- you reached out for a soup ladle, ready to fight
- she came over and grabbed your shoulders, shaking them violently
- "What's wrong?"
- she babbled out nonsense, a bright blush on her face
- the only thing you could understand from her mouth was her asking you out
- a bright smile made it's way to your face
- you hit her with the ladle
- "Do you know how much you scared me barging in like that?!?"
- "Is that a no?"
- "No, of course I'll go. Just don't do that again."

- it was her birthday
- you asked her out of the blue
- she almost had a heart attack
- she was stuttering even more than normal and waving her hands around spluttering out nonsense
- you just laughed
- "Is that a yes or a no?"
- she answered with a series of frantic nods
- you just laughed again and hugged her

- y'all had secretly liked each other for years
- you decided to be brave for once and ask her out
- she was just chilling with Patricia, her back turned towards the door
- you walked up behind her and covered her eyes
- "Guess who?"
- she just laughed
- you ended up going to the market to get some hydromelons
- you were sitting on one of the walls surrounding the city, looking at the sunset together
- "Hey (Y/n)... Do you maybe want to go out on a proper date with me sometime?"
- you just stared at her with a grin
- "Are you kidding me? I was just about to ask you the same question!"
- you then hugged and watched the sunset for a while more before you walked her home

(A/n): so I changed up the writing style of this book because why not, right? Hope you enjoyed!

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