♡ How you met ♡

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Quick A/n: At the beginning of each preference I'll tell if it's set before or after the Great Calamity, so in case of Purah for example she's a young adult and not a kid, and Impa's not an old grandma either. There's a slight plothole with the Gerudo Town's no men rules non-female readers but let's just pretend you've disguised yourself as a woman or that the rule doesn't exist at all. Other than that, enjoy!

Y/n = your name

Before the Great Calamity:
I had lived in Hateno village for my whole life, but wanted to see the world. And so, after I turned 17, I went on to travel to a more exciting place. Since I'd heard that Zora's domain was very beautiful around this time of year, I decided to go there first. When I arrived there, I got to spend a day just chatting with the locals, enjoying the calm atmosphere and the delicious fish with the new friends I made.
The next day, as I was chatting with an adorable baby zora, a pretty zora girl dressed in expensive looking jewelry came over with a relieved expression on her face. "Oh thank Hylia, Sidon, you can't just run off like that!" she scolded the little zora, and then she turned to me.
"I am so sorry if my little brother has caused you any harm at all," she said with an apologetic look on her face. "Oh, no, I mean, it's okay, it was fun talking to him..." I very awkwardly answered, making her giggle a bit.
"Well then, we should get going now. Goodbye!" She waved me farewell and left with her little brother, hurrying up the stairs towards the king.
I was left with a dumb looking smile and her pretty face stuck in my memory.

Before the Great Calamity:
I was a traveling merchant, specialized in herbs. Since I'd heard that the Gerudo Town was the best place to buy and sell stuff, I decided to go somewhere warm for a change, as I was getting tired of the cold and windy climate of the Rito Village.
I left from the Gerudo Canyon Stable and the next two days went by just gathering herbs and staying at Kara Kara Bazaar for the night before going to Gerudo Town.
When I arrived at the town it was almost night, so I went to the inn and stayed there for the night. Early in the morning I went to find a nice spot to sell my stuff at and put down some blankets, pillows, some wooden planks as a makeshift table and the herbs I wanted to sell on top of it.
I sat on the blankets, leaning on a pillow, and started waiting for a customer.
Not after long I got my first customer of the day, a strong-looking Gerudo who held herself like a warrior. That description could fit the most in this town, but there was something different about her that I couldn't quite place.
"What do you have?" she asked me with a deep voice. I told her about the herbs and their special abilities, and she bought some electric safflinas. As I was taking the 15 rupees she handed me, she asked with a serious face, "Have you thought of informing the chief about you setting up a shop here?"
I looked up at her with a questioning look, and she just smiled mysteriously. "Think about it," she said, winked at me, and left.
I just stared at her bright red hair with a blush forming onto my face, shook my head, and at least tried to focus on trying to get more customers.

Before the Great Calamity:
I lived at the castle with my uncle, Robbie, working as his assistant of sorts. I had been doing this since I was 4, and every once in a while the princess would come over to find out what news Robbie had concerning his research.
I would sometimes see her talking to Robbie, but I never actually got to talk to her myself. Until my 15th birthday.
Robbie had given me a day off and had promised to bring me something good from the kitchens. I was doing some of my own research, regarding the champions' abilities, when I heard the door to our lab open. "Mr. Robbie, are you here?" I heard the princess' voice asking.
I turned around, seeing Zelda's gorgeous green eyes staring right back at me. "Y/n, was it?" after I nodded as an answer, she asked me if I'd seen Robbie. "Oh, he went to the kitchens, I think..." I answered, and she nodded and smiled at me politely, before leaving the room.

Before the Great Calamity:
I worked in Hateno village as a farmer when the king decided to build a tech lab onto the highest hill in the whole village. Every night I would climb on top of the windmill my family owned to look at the stars and think about the day's events.
One day I had climbed on top of the windmill and noticed some light peeking from the windows of the tech lab. I hadn't even noticed anyone was living there yet, but then again, I was a bit of a daydreamer.
I directed my gaze to the window and through it saw a beautiful young woman with round, red glasses resting on top of her head. Without even noticing, I stared at her for who knows how long. Enough for her to notice me staring, at least.
It took me at least 10 seconds to notice she was staring right back me. I felt a blush rush to my cheeks, and I sent her an awkward smile, which she responded to with a grin and a wave. After I waved back at her, a wider, not embarrassed smile on my face, the woman went right back to reading the book laying on her desk and I went back to staring at the stars.

Before the Great Calamity:
I breathed in the smell of freshly baked bread, a content smile on my face. I lifted up the breads and placed them on the table in a basket. I heard a bell ring and rushed towards the counter of my little bakery, wiping my hands on my apron.
When I arrived at the counter with a polite smile on my face, I was greeted with a young woman with a Sheikah symbol painted on her forehead. She sent me a polite smile back, and I felt something flutter in my stomach. I furrowed my eyebrows with confusion, but put the smile back on my face.
"Good evening, Miss, how can I help you?" I asked, keeping a smile on my face. "Good evening to you too, I'd like some bread if that's okay?" the woman had a smile on her face that instantly brought the fluttering feeling back. "Sure, I'll be back in a few minutes," I smiled, turning back to go fetch the bread.
Soon I came back and handed her a basket full of bread. "That'll be 10 rupees, please," I said as she dug out a red rupee from her bag and gave it to me with a polite smile.
I was about to walk back to the backroom and say goodbye when the woman's voice interrupted me. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name, Mx?" I turned around with a curious glimmer in my eyes, but answered none the less. "Y/n. What's yours?" I asked back, getting a smile from the woman. "Impa. I hope to meet you again some day," the woman answered, waving me goodbye and turning towards the street. "I hope to see you again too," I muttered, before hurrying back to the comforts of the backroom, the fluttery feeling staying there.

After the Great Calamity:
I knew it was risky, not riding on the road, but on the cliffs of the Dueling Peaks. I just couldn't resist the adventure, and as I was a rather impatient person and knew there would be more enemies along the road than here on the mountains, I decided to take a shortcut. Also a little scenic route never hurt anyone, right?
Well, I was wrong about that.
Long story short I ran into some problems with a guardian near Sahasra Slope, just outside Kakariko village. I was in some severe trouble, it had shot me in the shoulder, but thanks to my loyal steed I'd gotten into Kakariko village safe and sound.
I arrived at what seemed to be an outdoor dining area and decided to catch my breath for a bit. The adrenaline was still rushing through my veins and it numbed down the pain on my shoulder, but I must've looked like a mess because a woman soon came up to me with a confused look on her face. She had white hair and a red Sheikah symbol painted on her forehead, bringing my attention to her rather gorgeous face.
"A- are you alright?" the woman asked, and I just smiled weakly, nodding. I don't know exactly why I did that, as I had just gotten lasered, but she saw through my act anyways so I guess that doesn't really matter.
"Oh Hylia, your shoulder..." she gasped, running over to me. She took a hold of my arm and started examining the wound on my shoulder, furrowing her brows.
"Ca- can you walk?" she asked me, staring right into my eyes. I nodded as an answer, and got up as she started fussing about getting me a place to rest and patch up the laser shot.

After the Great Calamity:
I ran around the streets of Gerudo Town, playing with some other kids. We were playing with a ball my mom gave me, and we were just having a good time over all. Everything was normal untill I kicked the ball too high up and it flew in through the window to the chief's room.
My face went pale and I quickly turned around to run away before a girl's voice interrupted me. "Hey, is this your ball?" The girl stood in the balcony with the ball in her hands. I felt a lump in my throat as I nodded nervously. She threw the ball down to me and I caught it from midair.
"Thanks," I yelled up at her, and she smiled at me, making me feel more at ease. "No problem," she yelled back with a wide smile on her face.
I felt a bright smile make it's way onto my face too, and I beamed up at her, about to ask her to come play with us, when one of the other kids yelled at me. "C'mon Y/n, what's taking so long!?" I quickly turned back and ran over to the other kids, yelling a farewell as I went.

The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild Female Character PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now