♡ First Kiss ♡

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(Y/n): your name
(A/n): author's note

Warnings: none

- you had just said goodnight to Sidon
- she came up behind you and asked you to join her on a walk
- so you went on a walk in the moonlight
- she told you she'd really liked your date the other day
- she started stuttering something that started with a k
- "a kiss?" you'd asked and she'd just smiled sheepishly and nodded
- you took that as your cue to lean closer and take a hold of her hand
- soon you locked your lips with hers
- it was short and sweet and her lips were a bit cold, but you were happy nonetheless

- you had been out of town for a while now
- as soon as you stepped through the gates the guards stopped you, insisting that Lady Urbosa wants to meet with you
- you felt slightly scared: Urbosa was a bit threatening at times.
- you decided to step into her throne room anyways
- as soon as you stepped in you were greeted by her deep voice
- "hi there little shopkeep"
- she glanced at you and chuckled
- "come here, I don't bite."
- you went and sat on the arm of her throne after she gestured you to do so
- "I missed you," you smiled at her
- she smiled back
- you'd kill to see her smile
- "I missed you too, shopkeep."
- without any kind of a warning she had already kissed you
- "welcome home shopkeep," she smiled
- you were very confused
- it was good though

- you both were very shy so it took a few weeks of waiting after your first date
- you had been gathering courage to kiss her
- little did you know she'd been doing the same thing
- you two met up for lunch once again
- after eating you got some cake for dessert
- she got some frosting on her lip
- you tried to point it out for her but she didn't get it
- she was so embarrassed she hid her face in her hands
- you giggled at that and gently took hold of her hands
- you stared at each other for a while before you took a deep breath, closed your eyes and kissed her
- her lips were so warm and perfect even with the frosting
- you got frosting on your lips too
- "let me get that for you"
- you spent the lunch laughing together
- wholesome

- you were hanging around her lab while she was making a small mechanic cow toy
- you thought her working away and focusing on her interests was the cutest thing ever
- you ended up spacing off
- you came back to Hyrule when you noticed Purah's face an inch from yours
- you felt her poke your cheek with a devilish grin on her face
- you realized she had caught you staring and turned your head to face the ground
- you heard her grumble and next thing you knew she had tilted your head back up and kissed you
- you froze
- then shrugged and thought "feck it"
- she tasted like coffee

- Impa was once again visiting the bakery
- she kept on insisting that she wanted to help you bake cookies
- "you're banned from the kitchen" "but-" "no buts."
- after that she became quiet
- you couldn't stand seeing her sad like that
- "if I give you a kiss will you leave the kitchen alone and turn that frown upside down?"
- she smiled and closed her eyes, smiling widely
- she was expecting another one of your nose kisses but instead you put your hands on her cheeks and kissed her lips
- her lips were incredibly soft
- she squeaked
- after you pulled away she did leave the kitchen alone
- she spent the rest of the night keeping you company
- she ended up asking for more kisses every 5 minutes

- you had just finished your date and carried her to her bed
- you smiled at her and she hid under the covers which made you chuckle
- "I have one last thing to ask you tonight"
- after she peaked out from her hiding you sat down on the bed beside her
- "can I kiss you?"
- she blushed bright red and shut her eyes tight but nodded none the less
- since you got permission you put your hands beside her head to support yourself
- you just gave her a small smooch
- her lips were warm
- she opened her eyes after the kiss and saw you leaning over her
- she just squeaked out a shakey goodnight and hid back under the blanket

- you had once again sneaked into Riju's room
- she just came back from her chiefly duties and laughed seeing you laying on her bed
- "what are you doing here, you're supposed to be asleep," she laughed
- you looked at her with puppy eyes
- "cuddles?"
- she smiled and laid down on the bed beside you
- you spent some time
- somehow your cuddling turned into playing truth or dare
- "ok Ri, truth or dare?"
- "dare," she smirked
- "kiss me"
- she stared at you for a second before laughing
- "No really, kiss me!"
- her laughter died down when she realized you were actually serious
- "right now?" "right now!...or are you chickening out?"
- that made her smirk
- she grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you in for a deep kiss that left you breathless
- "I never back out from a dare, (Y/n)"

(A/n): I'm happy with these :)

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