♡ First Date ♡

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(A/n): author's note

Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff

- you came back after a few months of exchanging letters and working back home in Hateno
- took you to a nice picnic near the veiled falls
- the view was amazing
- you ate some fish and talked all night
- she laughed at one of your jokes and it melted your heart
- at the end you walked her to her room and kissed her cheek
- she was left with blushy cheeks but it was adorable :)

- she took you on a lunch date as promised
- you shared a few laughs and ate some hydromelons for dessert
- after that she took you to a nice walk around town
- she took you on a sandseal ride and you two had a great time despite having to kill a few yiga clan members
- kissed your cheeks as a goodbye before leaving you at the inn
- "Good night, little shopkeep"

- you had to wake up to go to the courtyard at sunrise
- she thought you were really cute in your sleepy state
- you sat in front of her while on horseback and she was really warm and comfy
- you almost fell asleep
- when you arrived at the bakery it was already noon
- you two ordered some bread and walked around the market eating and talking
- you bought her a cute necklace
- you walked her to her rooms and gave her a hug
- wholesome

- she showed you around the lab since Hateno doesn't have much places to go on dates
- you two had a fun time though
- she gave you a toy frog she had crafted from ancient materials
- you thought it was really cute
- she taught you some stuff about ancient technology
- her getting passionate about things became your new favourite thing
- she then walked you home and stopped by to pet your cows
- you gathered the courage to kiss her cheek and she kissed your cheek back
- she left with a huge grin on her face waving at you

- Impa's always been a bit clumsy so it wasn't a surprise your baking date turned out to be a huge mess
- you tried to teach her to bake a cake but she spilled everything
- in the end you had to ask her to sit down while you cleaned it all up
- she apologized and tried to make it up to you by helping you clean
- she ended up making even more of a mess
- she somehow spilled flour all over herself
- you just laughed and kissed her nose, sending her back home
- "are you sure? I can help if you want-" "oh trust me, you've already done enough"
- she felt a bit sad but forgot about it the next day
- she is now permanently banned from the kitchen

- she was stuttering even more than normal so you just took her to sit by the cliffs near the village to eat some baked apples and watch the stars
- she got really excited about the stars since she usually doesn't have free time to just stop and appreciate the simpler things in life
- "t-they're so beautiful..." "Not as beautiful as you sweetheart"
- as soon as you landed that gem she looked at you like you'd just revealed you were a yiga clan member
- a blushing and stuttering mess
- you kissed her nose and she completely malfunctioned
- you had to carry her all the way to her bed
- it was sweet though

- you two were never the ones to do anything fancy so you just climbed up to the walls and watched the sunset as you'd done many many many times before
- you gave her some topaz earrings and had to threaten her for her to actually take them
- you exchanged cheesy pick-up lines and laughed a lot
- you cuddled before it got cold and you walked her to her room
- Buliara scolded you for keeping her for so long
- secretly she ships you guys

(A/n): I had fun writing this one lol
- Sam

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