♡When she knew she liked you♡

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(Y/n): your name
Italics: thoughts

Warnings: mention of death.

   It was your second week staying at the domain. Originally you had meant to stay there for only a week, but little Sidon's puppy dog eyes always managed to keep you around for just a day longer. Or two. Or another week.
   One day you were playing tag with Sidon, when Mipha saw you chasing him with a bright smile on your faces, laughter filling the air. A warm smile made it's way to Mipha's face, and then she realized:
   She liked you as more than a friend.

   After meeting up with the mysterious client you went to chat with the chief as she had requested, only to find out your first client of the day was the one and only chief of the Gerudo Tribe: Urbosa. As soon as you saw her you had started rambling out apologies, to which she just laughed in response.
   "Don't worry, you seem harmless enough. Better late than never. Just let me know next time you come over to sell your wares," she said, and you bowed in response, muttering your thanks and turning around to leave.
   "Goodbye, little shopkeep," she called after you, smiling as she saw your ears flare red from behind.
   "And what a cute shopkeep they are."

   Since your first encounter with Zelda, she had been talking to you a bit more often. Every time she would pass by to talk to Robbie, she'd send you a polite smile and a wave, to which you'd response to with a smile and a wave of your own.
  One day Robbie was out doing some kind of research and you were studying the guardian designs, when Zelda popped by again. "Oh, hello (Y/n), is Robbie here?" she asked you walking over to you next to your desk. "He went out to do some research again, do you want me to pass him a message when he comes back?" you asked, turning around to face her. "No need for that, I can wait... What are you doing?" she asked, leaning over your shoulder to look at the drawings on your desk.
   "Oh, um, they're just potential quardian designs I came up with..." you muttered, as she beamed down at you. "Well they're absolutely phenomenal! I didn't know you could draw this well," she smiled, her voice laced with excitement. "Oh... Thanks," you muttered, looking at her and noticing our faces were just inches apart.
   Your face flushed bright red as you looked down and soon enough she noticed how close you were too, and backed away for a bit, a pink tint lining her cheeks. "Excuse me," she said, quickly turning around and exiting the room.
In the hallway she crashed her back against the wall, trying to force her blushing face to calm down. "(Y/n) blushing is way too adorable..." she thought, a small smile making it's way to her lips.

   You being the awkward Hylian you were, you were scared to actually speak to the woman you saw from the Tech Lab's window, and so you decided to write her a letter instead.
   In the letter you apologized for staring and said you'd like to get to know her better, asking about her name and interests. As she got the letter from under the Tech Lab's front door, a soft smile made it's way to her face as she wrote back.
   You exchanged letters for two weeks, before you decided to be brave and knock on her door. You anxiously fiddled with your fingers, and when she opened the door, you froze and just stared at her. She laughed as you stood there, completely frozen, and took your hand to drag you inside, offering you some tea.
   "Why are you staring at me like I have two heads?" she joked, and you shook your head frantically. "I-I didn't mean to stare, I-I j-just think you're r-really p-p-pretty-" you said, internally cursing your stutter. "Why thank you, you're not too sore on the eyes either," Purah winked at you, smirking.
   "How adorable can a stutter be?"

   Impa had been visiting your bakery ever so often for almost two months now, at times bringing her friends with her. One of her friends was an unusually quiet knight that you surprisingly got along with pretty easily as he seemed to love all your baked goods and so warmed up to you.
   Seeing you and Link get along so fast made an unpleasant feeling stir in her stomach. Although she loved to see you smile, she felt like you were getting a bit too close to Link. She didn't know what it was until she asked Zelda about it, Zelda recognising the feeling as jealousy.
   "But jealousy is almost always associated with romantic feelings..?" Impa muuttered out, the reality suddenly hitting her like a truck.
She had a crush on the baker.

   She wouldn't let you leave the village before your shoulder had healed, and so you had stayed there for over a month. She brought you vegetable soup every day, changed your bandages, spent time with you, and just generally made you feel better.
   Your shoulder had already healed and you were able to function properly, but since you were a traveler and didn't have a real home anyways, you decided that you'd stay with your new friend for just a bit longer, with her permission of course.
   One night you couldn't get any sleep and was about to go outside to look at the stars, when you noticed Paya was still up and about, writing on her journal. "Paya? You should be sleeping, you've been working for the whole day," you said, startling her.
   "(Y/n), d-don't scare me like that! And it's fine, t-this is i-important to me..." she said, her soft voice ringing in the otherwise silent room. "More important than your well-being?" you asked, shutting her journal and taking it from her. "You took care of me for such a long time, now I'm returning the favor. Go to sleep," you told her in a firm tone.
   "T-that's very sweet of you... Fine," she muttered, looking down at her hands as she walked over to her bed and laid down on it.
   "Thanks," you responded, pulling the covers over her. "Goodnight, Paya". Paya covered her face with the blanket as a blush made it's way to her face.
   "How could someone be so kind and considerate?"

   After Riju's mother died, she isolated herself from everyone, even you. There were guards keeping watch at the door of her room all day, all night, and you were done with her wallowing alone in her room. As her best friend, you were on the "cheer up Riju" duty, and no amount of guards were going to stop you:
And so you sneaked through her window. As you stepped into her room, you saw her sleeping peacefully, and decided to wake her up.
   "Riju. Riju. Wake up, I brought some hydromelons," you whispered, poking her cheek to wake her up. She muttered something before sitting up.
   "(Y/n) how did you get in?" "I climbed through the window," you answered, making her giggle. "I've missed you," you said, hugging her tightly. "I've missed you too," she smiled into your shoulder, wrapping her arms around you.
   "I don't know how you do it but you always make me smile. I never want to lose you."

(A/n): I hope you liked that one. How are your holidays going? See y'all later,

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