6. Uproar

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Mei Xiu sat in her quarters making white paper lanterns for tomorrow's big event.

Within the past few hours she had managed to convince Yue Ya to dance with a few other fairies under the blooming peach trees and had the menu for tomorrow presented to the fairies who worked in the kitchen.

She helped bake a few things before visiting the floral realm to confirm that the fairies there would bloom the trees in the mortal realm and returned back to the heavenly realm once all of the other details for the set up were straightened out.

Everything was ready to go, all that remained was making the lanterns and getting Run Yu to go without actually telling him. 

A long twist fell into her face and with a tired sigh she gently tossed it over her shoulder,  before smoothing out her light turquoise robes. 

The black immortal stared up at the constellations sketched into the ceiling of her room, drowning in a sea of uncertain thoughts.

How would she be able to get the Heavenly Emperor to visit the mortal realm without telling him why he needed to be there?

Surely he was a busy man who more than likely would rather drown himself in work than interact with other people.

It's not like she could feign injuries or have someone deliver a note.

Mei Xiu let out a groan of defeat as she pressed her knuckles into her cheek, leaning into her elbow that was propped on the table. "What a complicated man."

Shouts of anger from outside caught Mei Xiu's attention.


"I-It was supposed to be a surprise- AH-"

Mei Xiu quickly got up and kicked open the doors of Xuanji Palace, her blazing gaze prepared to scorch whoever was behind the ruckus beyond the now open doors of living quarters.

She froze when she saw Run Yu holding Kuang Lu up by her robes. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO CAUSE ME ANY ISSUES WITH THE OTHER REALMS?" He snarled.

His milky skin was flushed and sparkling with magicked dragon scales.

So his true form is a dragon?


He looks more like a mermaid than a dragon, but, oh well.

Kuang Lu was sobbing as she scratched at his hands helplessly. "I-I'm sorry-"

Mei picked up a pebble and threw it at the Emperor's hand with hawk-eyed accuracy.

He released the sobbing immortal and stared at his stinging hand before redirecting his attention to the glaring immortal. "Pick on someone your own size." She scowled.


"..." Mei raised her eyebrows.

He marched towards the black immortal. "YOU CAUSED THIS-"

"And what exactly did I cause?"

He raised a piece of blue parchment. "YOU WENT BEHIND MY BACK."

"How did I go behind your back?"

"You are a part of the heavenly realm. Anything and everything you do is a reflection of me."

"And what have I done that's so atrocious?" 

"You're mingling with those people and throwing parties in the mortal realm."

"How does this have anything to do with you?" 

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