7. Ten Miles of Peach Trees

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Slightly Unedited*

Mei Xiu woke up the faint scent of peach blossoms and cloves. She felt a weighted warmth around her and something soft pressed against one of her temples.

There was something familiar about the bed she was settled in.

Drowsy eyes landed on milky white skin and supple rose nipples.

The chest she was staring at wasn't sculpted but it wasn't flabby either.

"Like what you see?" A soft voice muttered drowsily.

The black immortal felt her face heat up as she looked up to see who she was ogling over.

Before her lied the Heavenly Emperor with his long midnight black hair falling around him, making several dark onyx rivers on his moon-kissed skin.

His lips rivaled ripe strawberries and his eyes were as warm as hot maple syrup.

That's not to say that she looked ugly.

From Run Yu's perspective, she looked like an angel.

Her eyes were always intense and honest- warm to the point that they rivaled the sun. 

Her long ropes of twisted hair smelled of lemongrass and looked softer then the clouds in the sky.

Adzuki colored skin that probably tasted as sweet as dou sha bao and two-toned lips that glistened more than tanghulu.

The emperor's thoughts grew perverse as his gaze sauntered down her neck to her barely covered breast.

Her robes had shifted plenty in his favor throughout the night.

They looked succulent.

A warm hand softly touched his cheek and redirected his head upwards, earning a tired chuckle.

"Who are you and where is that mean and shy man I met a few days ago?"

"It was façade. I'm honestly a horrible person."

"Don't say that."

Run Yu gently grabbed her hand and pressed his forehead against hers. "I've managed to get a tiger in my bed." 


"Aren't you worried that I might have done something to you?"

"I don't think you're that ambitious."

"I could always do something now." He whispered as he pressed her into the cream bedsheets.

Mei Xiu remained indifferent by his taunting. 

"If you're going to tease me, I think you're going to have to bluff a little harder." She whispered before capturing the Emperor's lips in a steamy kiss.

Hot lips moved against each other before the tigress slid her tongue into his mouth, humming in delight as she rendered the water dragon breathless.

The formal kiss slowly grew lazy as their tongues slid and swirled around, savoring the dull sweetness of each other.

Before breaking the kiss Mei Xiu sucked and nibbled on his lips until they were redder than freshly picked cherries.

Their lips parted slick with strings of spit, revealing the crimson face of the heavenly emperor as he pulled away from the satisfied immortal laying under him. 

Despite being flustered, his eyes were half-lidded as he panted. 

Mei Xiu sat up and stole another kiss with a soft hum. "Come on. Let's get ready. We have a festival to host."

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