9. Red Ink and Red Strings

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Upon returning to his room, Run Yu placed the sleeping immortal on his bed before retreating to the throne room.

Today had been a painful reminder of how terrible of a person he really was.

Of course Xu Feng wouldn't forgive him.

Their relationship would never be normal again in this lifetime.

The emperor worked quietly, reading and stamping scrolls that required his urgent attention.

Hours passed until he finally felt the urge to work on something else.

There was a box of white scrolls written in red ink that sat by the foot of the emperor as he worked on a blank white scroll with fresh red ink.

He kept working and working until he dozed off from exhaustion.

Mei Xiu woke up to the sun peering through several windows in a giant bed alone.

With a roll of her shoulders, the immortal carefully got out of bed and headed to the throne room.

Her eyes scanned the giant marble room before she spotted the emperor hunched over a small table.

Tiptoeing across the marble floors, the tiger immortal managed to sneak up on Run Yu to see what he was doing.

The immortal's face began to warm up once she realized he was sleeping.

"Goodness." She breathed out. "Why didn't you come to bed?"

Careful fingers moved a strand of hair from his face before her eyes moved to the open scroll on the work table.

On the scroll sat several crimson characters.

Her eyes narrowed as she read what was written.

Because I loved Jin Mi, I committed more than the previously stated sins. Not only did I not tell her that Sui He killed her father and his wife, but I lead her to believe that the man she loved killed them. She loved my brother more than life itself, but it broke her heart so badly to think he did kill her them- that she killed him. After killing him, she coughed up the loveless pill her mother had planted inside of her to prevent her from suffering and blacked out. I had also poisoned my father as retribution for my mother who was murdered by his wife. My father was a terrible man. He killed his own brother to gain the throne and the things he did to Jin Mi's mother will forever be unforgivable. Poisoning him was too easy of a way out, but at least he's dead. My father's wife was wicked as well and deserved to fall from the terrace to her death. I wish I had pushed her, but her death is enough for me. As punishment for my acts, Jin Mi never loved me and did everything in her power to bring my brother back to life. To stop a war between us, we- I accidentally killed her as she jumped between our stream of power. My brother hated me until he brought her back to life. His hatred still remains, but it is slightly muffled for the sake of his wife and son. I've never been able to understand how instead of letting Xu Feng move on with someone else and loving me, Jin Mi continued to rejected me. As I begin to reminisce on every second on my life, I can say with sure confidence that I have never been loved. Not my mother. Not my father. Not my brother. Not a soul in the heavenly realm or in any other realm. One may assume my dearest servant may love me, but it is surely out of pity. Perhaps being unloved is my retribution for crimes I committed in a previous life. Regardless of this realization after writing out every deed and crime I've ever done amongst these scrolls, it brings forth a new question.

Who could ever love the unloved emperor?

Will he be loved and welcomed like the rising sun?

Treasured and praised like the harvest moon?

Love evades him.

Hate awaits him.

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