4. Invited and Deals

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Mei Xiu flew towards the floral realm and landed at the entrance.

Three women approached the immortal cautiously.

"The Floral Realm is not open to the outside realms."

"That's fine." she smiled as she dug in her satchel. "I brought some invitations and came to ask for a favor."

The great floral fairy, Peony arched a brow. "Invitations?"

Fairy Begonia scoffed. "A favor?"

Fairy Magnolia tilted your head. "Who are you?"

"I'm Mei Xiu, the tiger immortal." She smiled. "I'm throwing a celebration in a peach forest in the mortal realm and I would love for you to come bloom the flowers in the forest and enjoy the celebration with me." The immortal held out a stack of invitations. "Feel free to invite everyone in your realm."

"Who else is going to be there?"

"I don't know. I intend on inviting everyone from every realm and if they come, they come."


"Well... I don't think I made enough invitations...but At least a hundred and twenty five immortals can come." Mei Xiu furrowed her eyebrows.

The three fairies standing before her blinked.

"Is Jinmi going?"

"I don't know who that is, but please feel free to invite her with one of the twenty five invitations I gave you."


"So are you agreeing to bloom the peach blossoms?"

"Yes, but I don't know if we'll stay." Peony sighed.

"That's fine." Mei Xiu nodded. "Alright. Well I'll be off now! I have invitations to deliver." She smiled before flying away.

"Mei Xiu....the tiger immortal...." Begonia huffed as they watched the immortal flee. "I wonder where she resides."

"Probably the mortal realm with the earth immortals." Magnolia muttered.

Peony stared off into the distance. "She doesn't seem new if she's an immortal already. Perhaps she's been under the radar like Jin Mi all this time..." 

The other two looked at her before nodding in agreement.

"Are we really going?"

Peony nodded. "We should also prepare some fruit and wine since we're going to a celebration."


"Magnolia, deliver three of these to Jin Mi." Peony held out three invitations. 

The fairy gently grabbed them before flying away.


Mei Xiu headed to the bird tribe next and dropped off some invitations after introducing herself to some of the immortals residing there. 

After that, she headed to the Demon Realm and introduced herself to some of the demons and their royalty. The immortal managed to convince Liu Ying, their ruler to come as well.

To finish up her rounds she went to visit a few earth immortals and water immortals before heading to the peach forest in the mortal realm.

The immortal walked through the green deciduous forest quietly before heading deeper towards where the peach forest began.

The immortal walked through the green deciduous forest quietly before heading deeper towards where the peach forest began

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