17. The Red String Giver

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I knowwwwwwwwwwww you guys have been eager for an update. I'll spare you the sob story. Enjoy! <3

- JelloGelatin

Run Yu entered his room and set the tray of soup down on a small table by his large bed.

His smile grew at the sight of Mei Xiu hugging a pillow tight with her long black twists splayed out on the bed like long sleeping serpents.

She looked content in her slumber and it made his heart feel warm and full of fluttering butterflies.

This was enough.

Mei Xiu.

She was all he wanted and he would do everything in his power to keep her.

He laid down on the bed, careful not to stir her from her slumber, and ran his fingers down her back to rub out the tension in her spine.

After a moment, he added a bit of pressure, smiling as she began to stretch after letting out a soft moan.

"Xiu'er." He whispered softly as he began to rub circles into the small of her back.


"It's time to eat, my love."

She pressed her face into his chest in protest, groaning as he gently woke her from her deep slumber.

"Come on." He smiled as he traced shapes along the curve of her spine. "You have to eat."

"Did you eat?"

"I did." He helped her sit up as she made a halfhearted attempt to lay back down and sleep some more. "Xiu'er, the soup will get cold." He laughed softly as he peppered her neck and cheek with featherlight kisses. "I worked so hard to make this for you."

"You made me soup?" She huffed as she settled on resting her head on his shoulder while drowsily curling his hair around her fingers.

 "I did." He leaned down and kissed her lips softly, smiling as her eyes finally opened to stare up at him. "I would like to know your thoughts on my cooking."

"Alright." She pulled away slowly and sat up with a small pout on her lips. "But you have to feed me."

"Of course." 

Mei Xiu watched him turn around and grab the bowl of soup before facing her with a full spoon hovering over the bowl. 


The immortal eyed the soup curiously before leaning forward to take the spoon into her mouth.

She leaned back a moment later, furrowing her eyebrows as she savored the flavor of the broth and chicken before swallowing.

"How is it?"

"Mm. It's pretty good."

He fed her another spoonful. "Only good?"

"It's amazing, your majesty." She offered a warm smile as she ate it. "What's even more impressive is that the heavenly emperor went out of his way just to make his humble servant some soup."

A wrinkle was born on the bridge of his nose at the use of the phrase 'his humble servant'. 

He thought he had expressed that she was far more than that, but perhaps he hadn't verbalized it explicitly.

The disappointment of the entire thought began to register in his tone.

"Why wouldn't I make you some soup?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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