2. Don't Eat Alone

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Mei Xiu woke up to a white deer staring at her with glowing antlers.

She blinked.

It blinked.

"Um." She hesitated. "Hello?"

The creature made a soft sound before releasing a blue bubble.

Mei Xiu watched it before it started to reveal herself dancing around in a flowy green gown with flowers in her hair. Her hand softly tapped a tambourine and flowers rained down as several other fairies danced with her. The heavenly realm was bright and colorful and Run Yu seemed happy as he watched from his throne.

"My dream." she pointed at the bubble in awe. "That looks like a brilliant idea."

The beast made another noise before tilting its head.

"I guess I should freshen up and then ask Kuang Lu how to execute this plan."

The deer followed the immortal around as she took a bath and changed into a blue robe that was similar to Kuang Lu's.

"What do you think of this?" She twirled before the deer.

It nodded.

"Great. Let's go find Kuang Lu."

The pair walked around before they found the fairy working with three other girls in the kitchen.

"Hey. Need some help?"

"No. We're fine." Kuang Lu smiled before stepping away from the working servants. "How are you?"

"I'm good. I woke up and made a friend."

The fairy furrowed her eyebrows before moving around her to see the white deer watching quietly.

"Oh. You've met the Beast of Dreams."

"Have I?" The immortal glanced at the deer.

"Yeah. He eats your dreams and then releases them."

"Ah. Well. He's really nice."

"Mmhmm." She nodded. "Any ideas on what we should do to cheer up the Emperor?"

"We need flowers, fabric, paper, and ink."

Kuang Lu blinked. "What are we doing?"

"I think hosting a small festival in the heavenly realm would help."


"Yeah." Mei Xiu nodded. "In my years of learning under Lord Doumu, I ventured through the mortal realm a lot. They have several festivals they host throughout the year."


"I think we should settle on a fun theme and make a lot of food."

"We have to ask his majesty for permission first."

"Do we?"

Kuang Lu deadpanned. "Well of course! We don't want to upset him..."

"Fine. No surprises." She hummed in thought. "Unless-"


"What if we put a surprise in the plan."

"What's with you and surprises?"

"Good surprises are a wonderful way to cheer sad people up."

"If you say so..." Kuang Lu pressed her lips together out of slight reluctance. 

"Can we go to him now-?"

"Sure, but let me set up these trays first."

"Are they for him?"

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