14. The Grape Fairy and the Water Dragon

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Run Yu drank a cup full of healing elixir with a soft sigh.

"Are you feeling better?" 

He looked up at the immortal standing behind him in a large mirror while he sat on a gold and cream ottoman. 

"I am."

Gentle fingers guided a gilded comb through his long obsidian hair.

As he neared the end of his drink, Mei Xiu began to part his hair and pulled up the front section into a secure bun.

Dark brown eyes watched the immortal fumble with the headpiece that was supposed to secure it.

He finished his drink and settled the cup on his lap before reaching up to assist.


Brown eyes locked with brown as pale milky white fingers guided deep brown ones.

"No need to apologize Xiu'er."

Soft fingers brushing against one another as rivers of obsidian were scooped up and secured with pale yellow gold, silver, and pearls.

"But I couldn't secure it properly."

He stood up, carefully moving the empty cup to the ottoman, before turning around to face the shorter immortal with a warm smile decorating his healed lips.

"You'll get better with time."

Her face warmed up as he leaned in close. "You want me to do your hair again?"

"Of course. You'll be expected to do so once you're my wife."

"Your w-wife?"

Run Yu gently grabbed Mei Xiu's hands as he pulled her closer.


"Oh...um... well-" Mei Xiu gently pulled away. "We should go check on Jin Mi and Tang Yue."

The emperor exhaled softly before nodding in agreement. "As you wish."

The immortal turned around and closed her eyes for a moment before she started heading to Xuanji Palace with the Emperor of the Heavenly Realm close behind.

The black tiger immortal walked with grace in a pale blue hanfu with a cornflower blue shawl over her shoulders.

Lotuses adorned the bottom of the dress and the silk sash around her chest.

Blue was lovely on her.

Run Yu couldn't help but stare once they arrived to their destination.

"Is something on me?"

The emperor blinked before shaking his head with reddened ears. "No." He offered a small smile. "You're beautiful."

Her eyes widened for a moment before she smiled. "Oh. Thank you, your majesty."

He arched a brow at the formal title, but didn't get to say anything as the door to the palace opened and someone darted out.

Mei Xiu yelped as she caught a sobbing Tang Yue in her arms.

"Tang Yue?" Run Yu blinked with concern as he stepped forward to inspect him. "What's wrong?"

He didn't say anything as he continued to cry hysterically. 

Mei Xiu gently rubbed his back with the hopes of soothing him before glancing at the emperor.

Run Yu nodded before moving forward and entering the palace.

Jin Mi was hunched over a bin hurling to the point that each wretch sound dry and painful.

"Mi-" he hesitated in the entrance as the woman struggled to compose herself and looked up. "Jin Mi, what's wrong?" He lowered his gaze to the floor as he slowly approached where she was.

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