10. Seeking Comfort In a Wild Fig Cake

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After a morning of crying together, Mei Xiu and Run Yu went their separate ways.

Mei Xiu found herself wondering around the heavenly realm with her head low until she was tackled. 


The snake fairy's enthusiasm faltered when something wet fell on her cheek.

She looked up to see her dear friend sobbing and her eyes immediately began to glow.

"What. Did. He. Do?"

"It's nothing Yue Ya."

"No. No." The fairy pulled away before frowning as her friend restrained her. "Let me go. He made you cry."

"He cried too. Leave him alone."

Yue Ya blinked, her eyes quickly going back to normal as she turned to look at her friend. "Mei Xiu."

"He just needs some time, okay?"

"Okay, but what about you and how you feel?"

"I can't force him." She wiped away a few of her tears with her sleeve. "I won't force him."

"That doesn't answer my question, Xiu Xiu."

"I don't know." She sniffled. "He said he needed time and I just wish he'd believe me when I said I could love him without knowing every single detail of his past."

Th snake fairy frowned before thinking everything over. "You're both valid, I guess." She played with one of her beaded twists. "I'm sure he probably holds onto his past because the weight that comes with it will have you experiencing many Xu Feng moments in the future."


"But in the same breath, I think he should be more aware of how he handles things when you heart is involved."

"I guess so."

Mei Xiu's eyes moved to the ground.

The fairy sighed. "Did you eat yet?"


"Then come on. Let's go to the mortal realm for some grub."

"I'm not really hungry."

"Not hungry for braised duck and plum wine?"

"Not even for braised duck and plum wine."

Yue Ya gasped in genuine horror before grabbing her friends hand and dragging her to the entrance gate of the heavenly realm. 

"Move out the way people! Best friend emergency coming through!"

The guards moved, slightly amused by all the excitement as they watched the shorter fairy fly away with the solemn immortal.

They arrived to the mortal realm with grace before Yue Ya continued to drag her friend towards their favorite restaurant. 

It wasn't too crowded as a people conversed and ate around them.

The duo sat down at an empty table, one smiling and the other sniffling.

A young man approached them with a towel over his shoulder. "Good afternoon. What can I interest you two in today?"

"Mmmmmmm." Yue Ya pressed a finger to her lips before smiling. "Four orders of braised duck, six jugs of your best plum wine, some roasted bok choy, and then uh.... how about a fragrant white tea to lighten the mood, hm?" 

The man arched a brow at her. "Do you have any idea how expensive-"

Yue Ya rolled her eyes and pulled out her pouch before placing a stack of gold coins down on the table. "I've got money." Her eyes flashed yellow. "The question is do you have my order?" 

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