16. The Moon Immortal and Herbal Chicken Soup

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A/N: Wattpad made me really upset and I didn't really feel motivated to update until now. I tried updating a month or so- ago... but it just didn't feel right. Anyways, after staying away for a bit... I'm back and ready to post. Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to you all. Enjoy.


P.S. If you wish to make this soup, check out the Herbal Chicken Soup recipe on chinasichuanfood.com

Soft footsteps padded down a dirt road towards a small village located in a rocky valley.

Mei Xiu's ox huffed softly as they approached a small river that was located in the center of a of the village and lowered its head for a refreshing drink of fresh water while the immortal sat down on a large stone.

The village was lovely and quiet, offering peace to anyone who desperately wished to get away from the chaos of the world.

Mei Xiu closed her eyes as the wind rattled the beads dangling from her hat.

This was it.

This was the town Danzhu was hiding in.

The immortal wasn't entirely sure how she intended on convincing him to return, but he would be the first step in restoring heaven to its former glory.

She knew that begging and forcing him to return would be futile, so she would only share her thoughts and let him decide for himself.

"Oh wow! You've got a nice ox!"

Brown eyes flickered to the god she was looking for before they widened in slight surprise.

How convenient! 

"Thank you."

He crouched and filled a jug with some water. "I'm no fool." He hummed as the water bubbled and glugged to fill the container in his hand. "I know an immortal when I see one." His eyes flickered up to Mei Xiu's concealed face. "What do you want?"

"Am I not welcome here?"

"Are you only here to quench your ox's thirst?"

"And think, yes."

His eyebrows furrowed as he lifted the jug and stood up. "About what?"

"The state of the heavenly realm."

"What about it?"

"It's empty."

"Well that's because of everything that happened."

"The Emperor is so alone though."

"It's his punishment."

"Yes. I'm aware, but how long should his punishment last?"

 I'm aware, but how long should his punishment last?"

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"How long?" Danzhu furrowed his eyebrows. "He killed his father...and his brother...and tormented his stepmother until she killed herself." The moon immortal crossed his arms. "Run Yu has done several things that many people won't be able to forget or forgive."

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