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(Cut to Titans Tower. Beast Boy is sitting on the couch, with Starfire and Raven on either side of
him. Cyborg comes to sit down between Starfire and Beast Boy.)
BEAST BOY: Mammoth really thought he could out-wrestle me! Didn't he ever see
(Bubble gag: a gorilla and a dinosaur opposing each other. They charge at each other.)
BEAST BOY: Crazy-Cool Kaiju Crossover Classic?
(The dinosaur tries a spin move with its tail, but the gorilla grabs the tail and swings the dinosaur back over himself. The dinosaur has spiral eyes and the gorilla does a fist pump in celebration.)
BEAST BOY: The gorilla won!
(Bubble gag disappears.)
BEAST BOY: Whatever. Ready to watch me spank these monkeys?
CYBORG: You know it!
BEAST BOY: *notices kiss mark on Cyborg's cheek* that lipstick on your cheek?
CYBORG: *nervously* Uh...that's a battle wound! I need antiseptic!
(Beast Boy swabs some of the lipstick off of Cyborg's cheek and puts it in his mouth. He then spits it out.)
BEAST BOY: Tastes like lipstick to me.
CYBORG: How do YOU know what lipstick tastes like?
BEAST BOY: *blushes* Um...quit changing the subject!
STARFIRE: Not just lipstick.
(Starfire puts her head close to Cyborg's chest, where some of Jinx's hairs are clearly visible.)
STARFIRE: I also notice pink strings stuck in your chest.
RAVEN: Were you doing what I think you were doing?
ROBIN: *off-camera* I think I know what happened. And it's not pretty.
(Robin begins walking towards the Titans.)
ROBIN: This is between us two, Cyborg. Your room. Now.
(The two walk away. Beast Boy begins playing his game and dies immediately.)
BEAST BOY: Uh...that never happened!
(Cut to Cyborg's room.)
ROBIN: Why were you making out with Jinx?
CYBORG: I wasn't. Her lips never touched my lips.
ROBIN: Well they did touch your cheek.
CYBORG: Okay, she was flirting with me. But I wasn't buying it!
ROBIN: So you don't have feelings for her?
CYBORG: Absolutely not!
ROBIN: If you don't have feelings for her, then why is there a picture of you two hanging up?
(Robin points to the picture of Jinx and "Stone" from the HIVE Dance.)
CYBORG: It's a good reminder of that mission!
ROBIN: No, it's because of the girl in the picture!
CYBORG: Okay, you want the truth? Me and Jinx got very close when I was at the HIVE Academy. We studied together, trained together, and danced together!
ROBIN: Let me guess, she was "the high school sweetheart you never had."
CYBORG: I DID have a high school sweetheart! She left me when I became a cyborg! Was Jinx repulsed when she found out who I really was? No! She likes me for who I am!
ROBIN: She's Brother Blood's top student! For all I know, she's probably using your feelings against you!
CYBORG: You need to take a chill pill, Robin! Do you have any idea how paranoid and delusional you sound?
ROBIN: I'm not the one who's fallen in love with a criminal.
CYBORG: At least I've accepted what my heart wants.
ROBIN: *blushing* What your heart wants isn't always what's best.
CYBORG: Look, man. *begins walking Robin towards the door* If we keep arguing, we'll have another Cinderblock situation, and we both know we don't want that.
CYBORG: Goodnight!
(Cyborg shuts the door on Robin. Cyborg sulks angrily.)
CYBORG: Chump.
JINX: *offscreen* Don't you get sick of having to act a certain way?
CYBORG: Yeah, I do-wait, who's that?
(Cyborg turns around. He sees Jinx. He screams and falls over. Jinx giggles.)
CYBORG: Jinx? How'd you get in here?
JINX: Don't worry about that. *reaches out her hand and picks Cyborg up* Remember what I said about us not being able to, you know, go out?
CYBORG: Yeah, how could I forget?
JINX: Well, I've changed my mind. I don't care if we can't go out; we'll make it happen.
CYBORG: Robin knows about us. He said I-
JINX: Who cares what Robin thinks? Just because he's your leader doesn't mean he can boss you around.
CYBORG: You know what? You're right. When are you free?
JINX: 10 PM tomorrow. Meet me at the park.
CYBORG: 10 PM? That's kinda late.
JINX: Of course it's late! We can't just go prancing around during prime-time hours! We gotta be discrete.
CYBORG: Fine then. It's a date.
(Jinx walks towards Cyborg's window.)
JINX: See you there, handsome.
(Jinx leaps out the window. Cyborg smiles.)

Alternate Version of Cyborg's ArcWhere stories live. Discover now