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(Cut to Titans Tower. Robin calls Cyborg.)
ROBIN: Robin calling Cyborg. Robin calling Cyborg.
(Cyborg appears on the screen.)
CYBORG: What's up?
STARFIRE: Oh, hello, friend who I am missing already! The sight of you makes my eyes sore!
BEAST BOY: Yeah. It's been totally lame here without you. Raven stinks at video games. It's like she isn't even trying!
RAVEN: Just because you glued the controller to my hands doesn't mean I want to play.
ROBIN: So, how goes the cross-country trip?
CYBORG: Just dandy. It's, like, eighty below, the hail's messing up my paint job, and WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS?!?
BEAST BOY: 'Cause after Brother Blood stole your blueprints and used them to attack us, Aqualad and Bumblebee tracked him to Steel City. So now they're starting up the Titans East to take him down, and you're headed out there to help the new team set up their new Tower.
ROBIN: The Titans East need your technical know-how.
CYBORG: Yeah, and maybe if I stick around long enough, I'll get another chance to bring down Blood...personally!
ROBIN: And even if you don't, a little time away from home might do you good.
STARFIRE: Agreed. You have been somewhat lobster-y lately.
RAVEN: I think she means "crabby."
BEAST BOY: Besides, somebody's gotta show these copycats what being a Titan is all about.
(They hang up. Cyborg spots the Tower.)
CYBORG: Maybe they already know how.
(He gets to the front door and gets inside.)
CYBORG: Uh...hello? Place looked better on the outside-but nothing a little elbow grease can't fix.
(A smoking panel explodes and nearly shears his arm off.)
CYBORG: Make that a truckload of elbow grease.
(The Titans East are arguing.)
AQUALAD: Fish tacos?!? What were you thinking? I'm from the ocean! These were probably friends of mine!
SPEEDY: You said "get lunch," I got lunch. Chow down.
(Mas and Menos appear.)
MAS: Tacos de pescado!
MENOS: Delicioso!
(Bumblebee flies in and expands to normal size.)
BUMBLEBEE: All right. The sensor grid's up on level four, and-
(She notices the other Titans being either lazy or angry.)
BUMBLEBEE: Well, don't you fellas look comfy. Come on, guys! This Tower's isn't gonna build itself! And that's a supercomputer, not a footstool!
SPEEDY: Thanks, Mom.
AQUALAD: Can't work...tacos.
(Fish gag.)
MAS/MENOS: Quieres?
AQUALAD: Oh, man...
(Aqualad dives into one of the side pools.)
SPEEDY: So who died and made you queen, anyhow?
BUMBLEBEE: Well, maybe you could call the shots if you spent more time working and less time messing with your hairdo!
(She socks him in the head.)
MAS/MENOS: Morame! Soy Pelo Grande! A la orilla cede y adora mao pelo hermoso!
SPEEDY: You're lucky I can't understand that, you little-
BUMBLEBEE: Hey, leave 'em alone!
SPEEDY: Don't tell me what to do!
AQUALAD: If you're going to eat my friends, at least have the decency to get rid of the evidence!
(They continue arguing, until Cyborg puts an end to it.)
AQUALAD: Cyborg! Thanks for coming. Say hello to the...Titans East.
(Mas and Menos walk up to the two.)
AQUALAD: Meet Mas and Menos.
MAS/MENOS: Hola! Somos gemelos. Nacimos con siete veces la habilidad de ser mas rapido que el sonido, pero solo somos poderosos cuando nuestros cuerpos se rozan asa! Mas y Menos! Si podemos!
(Menos hold up a postcard of a ziggurat.)
MENOS: Fuimos a Guatemala.
(Cyborg is obviously confused. Aqualad translates them, classroom style.)
AQUALAD: They go really fast, but only when they're touching. And they only speak Spanish.
CYBORG: Hola! Mi amigos, soy nombre El Cyborgo.
AQUALAD: And of course, you already know Speedy and Bumblebee.
BUMBLEBEE: Hey, Sparky. Welcome aboard the happy train. We're having loads of fun.
AQUALAD: And one more thing, we have a special guest star. Show yourself.
(Jinx walks into the room.)
(They walk up to each other and hug.)
JINX: Hey, Cy. Sneaking away from Blood was easier than you'd believe.
CYBORG: Did you tell them that we're, you know...
AQUALAD: She told us everything. Gotta admit, I was a bit antsy at first, but we need all the help we can get.
BUMBLEBEE: We were roommates at the HIVE Academy; forgot to tell you that.
SPEEDY: Personally, I think bad girls are actually kinda cool.
MAS: Ella es bonita!
(Mas and Menos close in around Jinx with floating hearts around them. She looks surprised.)
CYBORG: Well we've got smoothin' out to do. What say we get to work? *turns hand into blowtorch*

Alternate Version of Cyborg's ArcWhere stories live. Discover now