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(Cut to Titans Tower. Cyborg walks in the door. Beast Boy is sitting on the couch playing video games, and Robin is sitting next to him. Raven and Starfire are standing up.)
CYBORG: Hey guys, did I miss anything?
STARFIRE: Only the kicking of Overload's butt.
RAVEN: And Beast Boy's still playing video games. *Cyborg sits down* I'm telling you; he's developed an addiction.
BEAST BOY: It's not an addiction; it's a passion!
(A video game dying sound effect is heard.)
BEAST BOY: Dangit!
(A countdown from 5 appears above Beast Boy's head.)
BEAST BOY: This game is so hard, it makes me want to explode!
(The countdown reaches 0 and Beast boy puts his hands on his head as he says "explode." A comedic explosion occurs. Cyborg and Robin have soot on them.)
CYBORG: *rubbing spot off of himself* BB, this looks like Mega Monkeys 2: The Lost Levels! I thought you just beat that game!
BEAST BOY: I did. And this is an even harder game! This is Mega Monkeys 2: The Lost Levels: The Lost Levels! I've been stuck on the first level for hours.
CYBORG: And I thought I loved gaming. Where do you even find games this obscure?
BEAST BOY: I don't know, some type of online auction?
CYBORG: Auction? Wait, how much money did you spend?
(Sight gag: A line is drawn between Chibi Beast Boy and a computer. Dollar signs flow from Chibi BB to the computer, which literally spits out a cartridge which knocks Chibi BB over.)
Don't tell me you spent good amounts of money on a measly little game!
(Sight gag ends. Cyborg's eyes are comedically wide open and a little angry.)
BEAST BOY: Says the guy who bought a half-eaten breakfast burrito.
CYBORG: *expression back to normal* First of all, that thing was stocked with delicious proteins. Second of all, I only bid $3.50!
ROBIN: So Cyborg, *Cyborg turns* how did the fight with Blood go?
CYBORG: He fled like a chicken as soon as we showed up.
ROBIN: Don't worry; he can only run away for so long. He'll get caught eventually.
CYBORG: I just hope I'm the one to put him in cuffs.
(Cut to Cyborg in his room.)
JINX: *off-camera* Seems like you could use some help.
(Jinx walks out from behind Cyborg's desk.)
CYBORG: Seems like you snuck in here again. Ah well, I'm not complaining. What do you wanna help me with?
JINX: I want to help you capture Blood.
CYBORG: Really? But I thought you said it's too dangerous.
JINX: I thought so too...but then you were about to get taken out by Gizmo. I couldn't let that happen. Blood wants to capture you just as badly as you want to capture him. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you, and that includes him.
CYBORG: So does this mean you're a good girl now?
(Jinx starts walking towards the window.)
JINX: I never said that, Cy. I never said that at all.
(Jinx hops out the window. Cyborg smiles.)

Alternate Version of Cyborg's ArcWhere stories live. Discover now