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(Top of Titans East Tower. Blood has Cyborg trapped in a force field.)
BLOOD: Cyborg. It's just you and me. Let's get down to business, shall we?
(Blood reaches for Cyborg's chest with a charged hand, but he is knocked over by a kick from Jinx, who appears from offscreen. He rubs his head and growls.)
JINX: You wanna mess with him? You're gonna have to go through me.
(Blood looks up.)
BLOOD: The fair maiden, here to rescue her knight in shining armor. Too bad your fairy-tale ending conflicts with my plan.
JINX: *growls* Bring it!
(Jinx shoots a hex at Blood, who quickly dodges. He removes his robe and charges at Jinx, who cartwheels out of the way. Jinx fires hex bolts at Blood, but Blood either dodges them or deflects them. Jinx makes the ground crumble beneath him, but Blood jumps before he falls and attempts a kick from high, which Jinx dodges. He goes in to fight hand-to-hand and after some brief combat, lands a punch in the jaw. Jinx flies back a bit and falls to the ground.)
BLOOD: Why do you oppose me, Jinx? I'm only trying to help you!
JINX: That's what teachers are supposed to do! But you've never truly cared about helping us; only about how we can do your bidding! You're no teacher; you're a slave driver!
BLOOD: Whatever you say.
(Blood charges at Jinx again.)
(Cut to the basement. Starfire flies towards the top of the room as Bumblebee chases her. As Starfire avoids stinger shots, she begins charging up energy. She releases the energy, and Bumblebee falls to the floor. Starfire floats down to the floor, right where Gizmo and Mammoth's chairs are.)
STARFIRE: I am hopeful when this is over, we may still be friends!
(Bumblebee, who is still on the ground, shoots at her. Starfire flies out of the way. The blast manages to wake up Gizmo and Mammoth and break them loose.)
(Gizmo looks at his hands briefly.)
GIZMO: Hey...we're alright!
MAMMOTH: Not for long!
(Mammoth looks around.)
MAMMOTH: We gotta do something!
(Raven floats backward and puts up a shield to stop the arrows Speedy is sending her way; they explode against the barrier, and he jumps down to continue the onslaught. As the smoke clears, he rushes in and swings his bow at her. After some brief combat, the two are in a struggle, a struggle that Speedy wins when he pushes her to the ground. Speedy is about to strike a direct blow on her with his bow when Mammoth punches him from behind.)
RAVEN: *surprised* Mammoth? Thanks.
MAMMOTH: Don't mention it.
(Elsewhere, Aqualad sends jets of water at Robin. Robin pulls out his staffs and the two fight briefly, with Aqualad landing a kick that sends Robin flying. Aqualad prepares to send some water at Robin, but suddenly the water gets redirected at Aqualad, who is pushed away by his own attack. It is revealed to have been redirected by Gizmo, using a fan gadget.)
ROBIN: Thanks, Gizmo. Never thought I'd say that.
(Gizmo begins walking away from Robin.)
GIZMO: Whatever, bird-brain.
(Gizmo walks up to Aqualad and picks him up by his collar.)
GIZMO: Listen up, faucet-freak! You don't have to listen to Blood!
AQUALAD: Headmaster!
(The screen turns black and Blood appears on the screen.)
BLOOD: Fear not, my student. Help is on its way.
(A bunch of Cyclone robots suddenly enter the room.)
RAVEN: Really wishing Cyborg were here.

Alternate Version of Cyborg's ArcWhere stories live. Discover now