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(The Titans East continue their advance towards Cyborg.)
CYBORG: Okay, team...um... now would be a great time to just stop obeying Blood and remember I'm your leader.
(Fortunately, Blood and his pawns are ambushed by the Teen Titans.)
BLOOD: The Titans!!!
ROBIN: I'll be honest, Blood. You don't look so good.
BEAST BOY: Yeah. Does that stuff get cable, or did a-
(Blood fires a blast, but Robin blocks it because he just can.)
BLOOD: If I can't disassemble you...I'll just have to experiment on your new friends. Pity. Trial and error is such a messy process.
(Blood warps away with the Titans East. Starfire uses her Tamaranean strength to free Cyborg.)
STARFIRE: You are okay?
CYBORG: I'm not hurt, but I'm a long way from okay. What are you guys doing here?
ROBIN: An old friend called for help.
CYBORG: I thought they jammed my transmission.
ROBIN: The signal was pretty garbled, but we got the message.
RAVEN: And it looks like we got here just in time.
CYBORG: Some leader I turned out to be. Been in charge less than a week, and I've already lost my entire team.
ROBIN: No, you haven't. Not yet. There's still time to save them.
CYBORG: So what's the plan?
ROBIN: You tell me. If anyone's going to know how to stop Blood, it's you. This is your enemy, your technology, your mission. The team is yours to lead.
CYBORG: All right. Well, I guess we need to head out and-
BEAST BOY: Um, dude? We're kinda locked in.
CYBORG: Not for long. I put this place together; I can tear it apart.
(They are in the halls of the Tower. Cyclone robots are patrolling the halls, and the Titans are hiding behind a wall.)
RAVEN: So when they made you, I guess they didn't break the mold.
CYBORG: Okay. I've never told anybody this, but my electronic eye can't see in low ultraviolet. If these things have my eyes, a simple blue shift should make us invisible.
(He activates the ultraviolet.)
BEAST BOY: You sure this is gonna work? 'Cause I can still see me.
(The Titans use this to simply walk past the Cyclone robots. Cut to the basement. The Titans East are strapped to tables, and Jinx is tied to a steel column. Gizmo and Mammoth themselves are strapped down in dentist chairs, similar to the one Blood was sitting in at the beginning of the episode. Mammoth is grunting to break free.)
GIZMO: I can't believe that Blood actually wants to mutilate us! We give him our all and this is what he does in return?
JINX: It's horrible; there's no sugar-coating it. I just hope Cy's alright.
MAMMOTH: Speaking of Cyborg, why'd you keep us in the dark about your thing with him?
JINX: Blood severely punished me for it and told me to keep quiet. Even if he never found out, I was afraid you guys would hate me for it. I already know you can't stand him, Gizmo.
GIZMO: Doesn't mean you can't like that scuz-bucket.
MAMMOTH: Honestly, I always thought he was cool.
GIZMO: Besides, we've been a team long before that pit-sniffin' excuse for a Headmaster even showed up. Nothing can break us apart, especially not something silly like your little fling.
JINX: Thanks, guys. Maybe we can find a way out of this sticky mess.
CHANG: That won't be happening, my patients.
(Professor Chang walks up to them, under Blood's mind control spell.)
GIZMO: You don't know who you're messing with, you snot-gurgling geezer!
(A scalpel suddenly goes up to Gizmo's face.)
CHANG: If I were you, I'd shut my little trap up. My scalpel isn't just for surgery, you know.
GIZMO: If you put that thing anywhere near my brain, I swear I'll-
(Gizmo's mouth suddenly gets covered by a breathing mask. A whooshing sound is heard and he falls asleep.)
CHANG: Nighty night, munchkin.
MAMMOTH: We didn't agree to this! Nobody did!
(Chang sedates Mammoth like he did Gizmo. He stops struggling and falls asleep.)
BLOOD: I'm afraid you have no choice concerning my new school policy. It's a very exciting time. True, not all of you will survive the experimental phase. And those who develop resistance like Cyborg and Jinx *cut to Jinx, who looks worried* will be deactivated and studied. But once the process is perfected, my upgraded students will not only be unstoppable, they'll be utterly incapable of breaking free from my control ever again!
BUMBLEBEE: (briefly regaining control) No.....no! This is wrong!
(Blood walks up to Bumblebee.)
BLOOD: I'm sorry; what was that, dearie?
(Bumblebee falls back under Blood's control.)
BUMBLEBEE: Nothing, headmaster. Please proceed.
CYBORG: *offscreen* Or maybe you should quit while you're ahead!
(Cyborg arrives and shoots his laser at Blood, who blocks it. The other Titans arrive as well.)
BLOOD: Students, attack!
(Blood warps away. Blood's pawns are released from their bonds and ready for battle.)
CYBORG: Go easy on them; they're still my friends. Titans, Go!
(The battle is the same.Right after Starfire beats Bumblebee, Blood warps in and nabs Cyborg. Cut to Jinx.)
JINX: Oh, no you don't!
(After a brief struggle, Jinx manages to break out of her ropes. She immediately makes a beeline for the exit.)
ROBIN: Jinx!
JINX: You'd better not get upset at me for being on your side for once.
ROBIN: I was gonna say go after him. He needs you.
JINX: That's what I was going to do.
(Jinx backflips away. Blood's pawns regroup themselves.)

Alternate Version of Cyborg's ArcWhere stories live. Discover now