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(securirty montage, bla bla bla)
COMPUTER: Security system, online.
MAS/MENOS: Muy bien, Senor Cyborg!
(Cleaning failure montage. The Titans East are arguing after the series of accidents.)
AQUQLAD: Aw, man.
SPEEDY: Look what you made me do!
MAS: Que pasa?
MENOS: Super-Macho?
AQUALAD: Watch it! You almost hit me!
BUMBLEBEE: Hey! Cool it!
(The bickering continues. Cyborg and Jinx watch. Eventually, Cyborg gets fed up.)
(Back to reality.)
CYBORG: The problem isn't your tower.
JINX: It's your team.
AQUALAD: What do you know, Jinx? You're not even a hero.
(Aqualad's comment obviously does not rest well with Jinx, who rushes up to Aqualad with her head enlarged from anger.)
JINX: EXCUSE ME? *head returns to normal, hair horns in flames* I'm a HIVE Field General. I know what a good team looks like. *hair horns return to normal* Well, good in terms of teamwork.
(the alarm rings)
CYBORG: Trouble!
BUMBLEBEE: At least something 'round here works.
(The Titans East confront Steamroller.)
BUMBLEBEE: Congratulations. You're the first lowlife to get busted by the Titans East.
(The Titans East rush past without any planning whatsoever. Cyborg and Jinx sigh at their incompetence.)
MAS/MENOS: Aqua! Aqua! Aqua!
(Bumblebee has a clear shot at Steamroller but the twins fly into her line of panic.)
(The battle continues. Steamroller has Cyborg pinned.)
CYBORG: Get off my BACK!
(Cyborg charges up his cannon. However, Steamroller resists. Jinx uses her hex blasts and the combined power knocks Steamroller back. After this, Mas/Menos praise Cyborg and Jinx while ripping into their own teammates.)
MAS/MENOS: Esto es ridiculo! Parecemos aficionados! Somos siete contra uno, tenemos que ganar! Pero ella esto en nuestro camino y estos dos se eston disparando, y este viejo no esto jodiendo!
SPEEDY: What they said.
BUMBLEBEE: I hate to say it, but Sparky and Jinx were right. We're not working like a team.
CYBORG: We are now! Follow my lead! Speedy! Bee! Push him back!
(They do so.)
CYBORG: Double M! Heat 'em up!
MAS/MENOS: May y Menos! Si podemos!
(They do so, surrounding Steamroller in lava.)
CYBORG: Aqualad! Cool him down!
(Aqualad fires his water at the lava, hardening it. Cyborg and Jinx high-five as the Titans East cheer their victory.)
CYBORG: Boo-yah!
SPEEDY: We deserve a victory meal. There's this pizza place right down the street. Let's go!
(The Titans East and Cyborg begin to walk out.)
AQUQLAD: No anchovies, though!
JINX: You guys go ahead. I'll catch up.
(When the others are gone, Jinx pulls out her HIVE Communicator.)
JINX: Come in, Headmaster!
BLOOD: Jinx! How goes your deception?
JINX: I'm in. They trust me. And I think Steamroller nabbed the Tower's encryption keys!
BLOOD: Excellent. Now transfer them to our network.
(Jinx walks up to Steamroller, who connects his probe to Jinx's communicator. Blood receives a "KEYS RECEIVED" message on his communicator.)
BLOOD: You're doing well, Jinx. Thanks to you, I now have the keys to my new school. Come along, boys. We've got students to recruit.

Alternate Version of Cyborg's ArcWhere stories live. Discover now