Marilyn Monroe has Kahunas

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I was there when Jack got a call from Marilyn. For the very first time, I was able to witness it. To be honest, I was surprised. How can I say this in an honest way? 

Marilyn Monroe called the private line. The line that lead directly to the white house private home. The home where Jack and Jackie along with the children would be. Where I would--- not important. I was stunned and I just remember how stunning. 

It was a typical day like any other. Jackie had decided to take the children off to the Middleburg Virginia for a couple of days by herself before Jack would join them. I had been told prior to Mrs. Kennedy leaving that Jack would be alone and that he would like it if I stayed with him. 

I, of course, agreed.

It was around Dinner Time, Jack had ordered a large meal for one (I am positive the staff was aware that I was there) but nonetheless he was insistent on calling it "For one." I was out on the balcony facing the back as I heard the phone ring. Fearing that it was Jackie, I did not answer. 

It was not. Jack seemed to have a clue when he looked at me. he looked a bit conflicted over the fact. But I merely looked at him questioning. Who was causing this? Jackie? No she called earlier and had  long conversation with Jack. Did something happen? Oh no, Jack answer it! I wanted to shout.


Marilyn Monroe calling was not what I wanted, planned for, and wanted to know. It was hard enough being a mistress and keeping a poker face when I knew about me but to add Marilyn. No. This was Jack. Not mine. I refuse to feel-- like--- ugh!

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