Mr. Kennedy is reckless

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I am going to be blunt. Mr. Kennedy was smart in a lot of way but he is reckless. I enjoyed it (still enjoy the recklessness, I went for men with that quality).  My grandmother had been invited to the White House in her youth.  She had flirtations with various men. 

So it was shocking for my dad to realize that his mother-in-law was excited. Approaching her mid 70s , my father believed that she was uninterested. But she was excited for me.

(She knew, I did not tell her) 

 I, on the other hand, not so much.  It would be a night of my grandmother asking pointed at least to me questions and me carefully dodge any question.  

We went to a little boutique, my grandmother and I, the next day approximately 3 days from the dinner.  She got me a blue pencil skirt, black kitten heels, a yellow shirt, and blue jacket with a pillow box hat. I wasn't going to wear that hat (nope not a chance).  I smiled at grandmother and said "I am highly unlikely to wear the hat." 

--------------------------------------------A Couple Days---------------------------------------------------------

Friday has rapidly approached. My mother was telling everyone everything that they had to do, twice a day, daily. It seemed as though the longer she knew the most she stressed.  Joseph, Gabriella, Andrew, and Pandora were all coming. Joseph and his wife, Theodora were coming. Gabriella and John were coming along with my boyfriend, Charles Astor, which was going to make this a little reckless.  Gabriella had seen John while on a trip to Paris and South Africa.  John was slightly younger than Gabriella (which caused a lot of scandal). 

They all came down Thursday. It was Friday and everyone was dressed appropriately for the Kennedy's to arrive.  Charlie's suit tie matched my dress.  I had minimal make up and a beehive. It was five mins before the intended time when our maid, Marian,  opened the door for the Kennedy.  The first couple and the Attorney General and his wife were all dressed beautiful. The girls were bright colored dress although Jackie Kennedy was a little brighter than Ethel Kennedy.

After the greetings, Charlie ended up talking to (and flirting with) Jackie Kennedy that night.  I knew well that Charlie liked flirting but I know he was more interested in someone who was slightly younger (they were the same age).  The dinner (as all dinners back then) were formal. 

We had six courses and the wine was flowing. The discussion was kept light (Charlie was the only republican) and non-political.   My grandmother was speaking French to Ms. Kennedy who seemed shocked at what my grandmother.

"You speak French." 

"Oui, je parle français. Depuis combien de temps parlez-vous français?" I asked in french

"J'ai appris le français quand j'étais au lycée." Jacqueline Kennedy responds.

"Avez-vous voyager en france? Où étiez-vous en France? Avez-vous déjà eu envie de vivre en france?"  I ask again.

"Oui. J'ai été à Marseille, San Tropez et Paris"  Jacqueline responds.

"Tous les beaux endroits. Avez-vous rencontré Madeleine De La Fontaine? Elle est un socialite populaire en France qui peut vous contacter à beaucoup de gens. Si vous ne l'avez pas, je peux vous aider."  I offered.

"Yes, I would love to meet her." 

Translates (Google Translates so yeah)

Tous les beaux endroits. Avez-vous rencontré Madeleine De La Fontaine? Elle est un socialite populaire en France qui peut vous contacter à beaucoup de gens. Si vous ne l'avez pas, je peux vous aider.  


All beautiful places. Have you met Madeleine De La Fontaine? She is a popular socialite in France who can contect you to many people. If you haven't I can help you. 

Oui. J'ai été à Marseille, San Tropez et Paris


Yes. I have been to Marseilles, San Tropez, And Paris

Avez-vous voyager en france? Où étiez-vous en France? Avez-vous déjà eu envie de vivre en france?


Did you travel to france? Where in France have you been? Have you ever wanted to live in france?

J'ai appris le français quand j'étais au lycée.


I learned french when I was in high school.

Oui, je parle français. Depuis combien de temps parlez-vous français?


Yes, I speak french. How long have you spoke french?

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