Jobs can be fun

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I was sitting at my desk. I was wearing a dress that shows off my body in the red color, a red hair tie,   red lips, and black patent shoes. I was smirking when the phone ring.

"Hello, Cressida Waterhouse." 

"Cressie, are you wearing a skin tight leather dress?" 

"Yes... nothing on top." I respond smirking when I heard him groan.

"You are staying after work, Jackie's going to Virginia..." 

"Yes, I am." I said watching Pamela just watch me.

"Now all I can think is the red dress with nothing on top underneath it.." 

"Good" I whispered. "Work is fun, right?"

I hung up and smirked. Then someone handed something for me to give to the Oval office but not yet.  I stayed at the desk.

-----------------------------At the End of the day------------------------------------

Everyone was gone when I went to meet Jack in his office. I walked in and closed the door. I noted that the curtain were drawn. Jack sat in his desk with papers on it. 

He looked up when he heard the door and subtly turned off the recording.  I leaned against the door.

"Wow." I was stuck between a door and him. I placed a hand on his chest. I was still holding the papers (which were blanks by the way). 

"Let's not do this now." 

I left it open. 

I placed the paper on the desk. 

I watched him as he stalked over to me. I am grateful that the blind were closed because the next thing happened with out any hesitation and it was the beginning of the end. We had rapidly approached this the moment we cross an line and actually started something.  I knew I was not the only one but it felt good.  I was sitting on the desk in the Oval Office.  Our clothes were torn off (carefully so as not to rip) and then he attacked my chest. 

He continued to go further down on me and teased me. He used his fingers to manipulate me.  After he manipulated me and got me ready, he thrusted into and continued to kiss my upper body and my lips.  We continued to do this for about fourty mins. Afterwards, I smirked thinking of what we just did on top of where we just did it. 

"You like being just as reckless as I do." He said his gray eyes sparkling.

"Yes," I said smirking as I leaned up and we continued. 

-----------------------------------------------------The Next Day-------------------------------------------

I left after round 2 because he mentioned his mother (Yes, his mother) was arriving in an hour. That was a little annoying.  Apparently, he has this complicated relationship with his mother. I can not specifically say why because his mother was often not on his mind in my presence. 

I showed up, knowing his mother was there and although we would not meet, wearing the waspiest piece of clothing I could. I was wearing a white button up, black blazer, black pants,  hair loose but brushed , and black patented leather heels.  Looking back at it, I was dressing more towards her (and him) than anything.I also looked professional.

Pathetic? I know. 

I looked good, my coworker named Gene paused and said "You look good."

"I know." I had dressed knowing what I looked good in and felt comfrontable wearing. Everything I  was wearing was at least two years old and not like Mrs. Kennedy but I wanted something different. 

Gene walked to my desk and said "My Partner, Mark, was wondering if you could go out for drinks tonight." 

"Of Course" I smiled at him and looked at my desk.  There were urgent papers that I had to bring to Ms. Lincoln. I got up after putting my purse down and I walked towards the West Wing.  It was about five minute walk to the office from where I was.  I walked to Evelyn Lincoln's desk.

"Mrs. Lincoln, these are papers for the meeting." I turned around. I saw her. 

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy looked beautiful. She was thin and continued dress appropriately. She was approaching the Oval Office. She wasn't paying attention to the world. I walked away from the desk towards my office when the door to the oval office opened. I did not want to turn around to watch them embrace. It really wasn't my  place. 

I did not know that Jack saw me and heard my voice or that he opened the door to talk.  She looks delectable was his only thought. It was enough of a distraction that can help him go through everything. 

I  smiled at my coworkers and went out to dinner with Gene and Liv. Gene was gossiping about anything and anyone who crossed his path and Liv was talking about Pamela.  Pamela and Liv both work more for Mrs. Kennedy than Gene and I did. Pamela was one of those wannabe Jackie's.  

When I came back, a box was on my desk. 


This way I can communicate with you anytime I want.

If I page you, I want you there no matter what.

Do NOT leave it at home.


(Say that this is White House Issued) 

I opened the box and inside was a pager.  The pager would be used when I was outside of the office or he couldn't get to a phone.  The pager signified that this affair was becoming more significant. But I will eventually tell you why.

I went to the bathroom and made sure I continued to look good.  I went to my desk and organized paper in folders.  More papers  came to my desk. They were note meetings.  I filed them in date and times so that if they were referred to, then people can find it easily. I worked under, way far under Evelyn Lincoln. 




"Cressie, I need to see you now.." 

"Why, sir?" 

"Various reasons."

"Like what?"

"One, last night, second, your outfit, and third, lunch date." 

lunch date? I thought

"My Lunch date today... Gene has a partner in life and Liv is engaged to Ashton Astor. Let's play a game..." 


"Ask questions. When were you born?" 

"May 24, 1917.... You?"

"May 16, 1941.... Were you for or against appeasement during world war II?" 

"That's a complicated question.." 

"I know.. you can answer it in a couple of hours.. I have to go." 

"So do I.. couple hours.." 

"Come up with an excuse as to why I keep coming." 

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