XI || Secret Scars

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‚I'm taking a shower.'

‚Am I that hot?' Hyunjin joked, watching him.

Minho stopped shortly in the doorframe of the bathroom. ‚I thought you knew that.' He smirked, then closed the door behind him.

Hyunjin sat down on the bedding, checking his phone, when only a few minutes later the doorbell rang a second time that day. He hesitated, not sure if he should open it, but decided to do it after it rang again a very long time, along with the annoyed voice of a girl.

‚Minho-ya, I know you're there. Your coworkers told me its your day off... we need to talk..'

Hyunjin opened the door.

‚Finally.. we-‚ the girl stopped abruptly, noticing it wasn't Minho. She checked the tag next to the door again incase she somehow was at the wrong door, but she wasn't.

‚Can I talk with Minho?'

‚He can't right now, what do you want from him?' Hyunjin asked his eyebrow raised sceptically.

‚Then I'll wait until he can talk..' She said trying to push past Hyunjin, but he didn't let her in.

‚Who are you?' He asked, having a bad feeling about her.

Her eyes scanned the blonde, as if trying to remember if she had ever met him somewhere before.

‚His girlfriend.' She said, trying again to get inside, but Hyunjin still held her back.

‚You are Gahyeon..' He stated rather than asked.

‚You know me?' She slowly lost her patience.

‚Heard enough of you by now...' he said, staying calm. ‚You should leave.. I don't think he wants to see you.'

He wanted to close the door again, but she pushed against it, not giving up so easily.

‚Who do you think you are, to tell me what I am supposed to do. I'm his girlfriend.' She hissed.

‚You're not his girlfriend anymore..' He sighed.

‚I asked you who you are!' How could anyone think she was an angel .. She obviously was not..

‚I'm his Boyfriend.'

Her eyes widened as she stared at Hyunjin in disbelief.

‚His .. What?'

‚His boyfriend, shall I spell it for you? Simply said it means you're not his girlfriend anymore and that you should leave.'

‚You're kidding me.'

‚God damn it he's not.' Minho said, appearing behind Hyunjin, having enough.

‚So you're dating guys now?'

‚No need for the plural, I'm not like you.. I'm just dating Hyunjin. Anything wrong with that?'

She didn't say anything.

‚What do you want Gahyeon?'

‚You left me because of him?'

He almost couldn't believe what she just said.

‚I what? I left you?' His temper was getting worse. Noticing that, Hyunjin had reached out for his hand, it didn't help much with his anger. ‚You fucking cheated on me with some random other guy, Gahyeon!' The blonde's eyes widened. ‚And now you say that I have left you?' HIs voice had raised. ‚I should have, much earlier, then I wouldn't have found you with him. And now? You still have the courage to show up in front of my door?'

Strangers || Stray Kids Hyunho (Hyunjin x Minho)Where stories live. Discover now