X || Coming Out

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‚Mom-‚ he tried to stop her, but she just walked past him into your apartment.

‚You should put on a shirt, Minho dear, I don't want you to catch a cold.'

Defeated he closed the door behind her, turning around, just to see that she had suddenly stopped on her way to the kitchen. She was staring right at Hyunjin, who stood frozen next to the bedding, also still lacking a shirt. Keeping his eyes low, Minho hurried past his mother to the drawer, quickly grabbing two of his shirts. He handed one of them to Hyunjin, before he put on one himself. Then he turned back to his mom, who hadn't moved a single bit.

After Hyunjin had put on the shirt Minho gave him, he turned to his mother.

‚I am Hwang Hyunjin, a friend of your son.' He introduced himself, bowing a little, keeping his eyes down. Minho's mother blinked several times giving him a polite smile, then looked from Hyunjin to him.

‚Minho hasn't told me anything about you yet, from where do you know each other? Coworkers?' She asked interestedly, but she couldn't hide her sceptical attitude towards the state she had found them both in..

‚Mom, you wanted to eat together. Sounds good, I... we really haven't eaten yet.. I'll take this..' Minho said, hoping to change the topic. He took the bags from her carrying them into the kitchen. The atmosphere was strange. So he tried his best to lighten it, before he would make it even worse, before he had to tell the truth. He unpacked the bags onto the counter, as Hyunjin walked towards him.

‚I'll help you..' He said, to escape the judging eyes of his mother, who still waited for an answer.

‚Thank you. Plates are up there.' Minho said, pointing to one of the cupboards. Together it took no time at all to set the table for three people.

The brunette's mother had already sat down, when he and Hyunjin placed down the last remaining bowls.

‚So?' She asked, as they all started to eat.

‚I met him, when I was out with Sangmin, one or two months ago.'

‚Two months.' Hyunjin added, not sure what to look at, but decided for his rice bowl..

‚I see..' She smiled. ‚Does Sangmin still drink that much?'

‚Sure, hasn't changed at all.' He joked. Words that almost got stuck in his throat, as they were the least true. It had needed just one day and he had changed all over towards him. Considering his drinking habits though, he wasn't lying.

‚How's Gahyeon? Her mother is really a kind woman, she treated me to coffee earlier, like I said.'

Hyunjin stopped eating, when the name fell. He quickly looked at Minho's mother then back at his rice bowl.

‚She.. uh.. I don't know..' Minho wasn't sure what to tell her. Of course she immediately detected that something must be off..

‚Is something wrong? Did you two have a fight?' She asked curiously.

‚Well.. we..kinda'

‚I'm sure if you talk to her, it will be fine again. Sometimes it just takes some time. Don't worry.'

‚Actually.. mom we-‚

‚I don't know if you've met her already, but my sons girlfriend Gahyeon is really a sweet girl. I'm so happy they found each other.' The woman said with a smile, turning to Hyunjin, who just stared at her in silence. ‚Do you have a girlf-‚

‚Mom!' Minho finally interrupted her.

He could see, that Hyunjin had tensed up, so he placed a hand on his thigh, to calm him a little. Hyunjin enclosed his hand, holding on to him.

Strangers || Stray Kids Hyunho (Hyunjin x Minho)Where stories live. Discover now