III || 'I don't care'

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‚Shit! I'm late!' He cursed, starting to run.


Minho bursted through the cafe door, catching his breath.

‚Sorry I'm late!' He exclaimed.

‚Ya, Minho-ya, standing upright again?' Sangmin joked from behind the counter, earning a not as amused look from him. ‚Calm down, chef's not here yet.'

‚You just left me there you asshole!'

‚Minho-ya, we were both incredibly drunk, do you think I knew what I was doing?'

Minho furrowed his brows. Was he supposed to believe that pity attempt at an excuse?

‚You came home anyways..'

‚Not thanks to you... someone -that is not an asshole like you- picked me up..' He grumbled, trying not to think about Hyunjin again... at least not the head cinema thoughts.. that were not something for bright daylight..

‚See, everything worked out in the end..'

Ignoring him Minho walked past Sangmin to grab an apron from the wall.

‚By the way.. new shirt?'

The brunette stopped in his tracks, the familiar heat being back...

‚Burrowed it... from a friend.' He explained quickly.

‚Ahh.. the one that picked you up?'

‚Yeah.. the one that wasn't an asshole.' Minho said, walking over to the coffee machine, to get everything ready before opening.

‚I get it! Alright?' Sangmin complained.

‚But..' He waked over to the other. ‚Although you're angry with me.. you have to admit that yesterday did what I promised. You could forget about it..'

The dish sponge Minho had held dropped back to the counter.. He hadn't needed the reminder. Not at all. It was true that he had been able to forget about it for a short moment, but now.. Now everything flooded his mind again. All the nasty stuff he had to see. It all came back to him, as if the evening yesterday never existed. It had helped nothing. All it did was adding the worst headache on top of it..

He clenched his fist around the sponge..

When the first customers entered Minho let the poor sponge go, putting on a polite smile and ignoring Sangmin's look on his back.

After a long day of work the brunette slumped into his apartment almost immediately collapsing onto his bed, that was actually just a mattress on the ground, as there wasn't enough space for a real one. Staring at the ceiling he took in the silence that surrounded him, relaxing into the soft bedding. Everything around him smelled familiar, like the apartment he knew by heart, but his clothes still smelled different. They smelled like him... like Hyunjin.

Closing his eyes, it only took a few seconds for his mind to drift to the other's long, peach-blonde hair, his red full lips, his defined stomach... He jumped up in his bed, slapping his face hoping that he would come to his senses again. When he said that these thoughts weren't for bright daylight he didn't mean he needed them in the evening..

Minho didn't know what was better. Crying all day and night or having these new strange thoughts all of a sudden. The break up... it seemed to be behind him.. but something else had just opened up..

Just like the break up didn't leave him for a long time .. these thoughts didn't leave him now... not the next day ... nor the day after. It was as if Hyunjin's picture was glued behind his eyes. There was no way for him to not see the other boy, each and every day. Week after week. He was slowly going insane.

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