IV || No Return

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With that he turned around, hurrying back to the cafe. Sangmin already awaiting him, not amused at all.

‚Are you crazy?' He exclaimed, when Minho had put on his apron again. ‚Leaving me alone with that number of customers! You-‚

‚It's not like you left me somewhere before.. We're quit now.. it was something important.'

‚So running after a girl is classified as something important now..' He said, his brow raised. ‚Your new girlfriend or what?'


‚That girl with the blonde... ish hair?'

Minho couldn't help it but laugh at that.

Sangmin thought Hyunjin was a girl.... Well from behind, you could think that maybe, but from every other angle he definitely wasn't a girl. Not in any way...

Certain pictures flooded his mind again. His hand gliding over the defined muscles of his stomach, his smooth skin.... Heat rose up, like always when he had those thoughts.. making him turn away from his friend's searching look. Why did he even keep thinking about that? There were many attractive people.. why did his mind stick to a single one?

‚Now look at that, all shy.' Sangmin joked. Did he have a death wish of some sort? ‚So I was right, she is your new girlfriend. You're over Gahyeon then?'

A name Minho didn't need to hear again. One that never had existed for him.

When Minho got home the first thing he did was always the same. He put all his stuff to the side then threw himself onto his bed.

Staring at the ceiling he sighed, long and deeply. There had been no call yet. Not even a message. Maybe he just didn't want anything to do with him and had already deleted his number again. Maybe their first meeting just had been too strange. Maybe he...The brunette was about to put his phone away, when it suddenly vibrated. He got an incoming call from a number he didn't recognise.

His heart started to feel weir once more as he answered the call.


‚Minho? It's me......uh.. well.. Hyunjin.'

‚I was almost thought you wouldn't call...' He mumbled. ‚From the both of us earlier, you were actually the one looking kinda uncomfortable...'

‚I was just ...' Hyunjin started hesitantly. ‚just.. surprised, I guess. I'm not used to this kind of .. well..reaction..'

Minho smiled, as he listened to his hesitant words. He sounded so different form the first time he met him... less confident. Was he nervous? But.. well.. he didn't even want to think about the other reactions he was referring to, they must've left their marks.

‚Turn on your camera..' The brunette said, a little absentmindedly...


‚I ... uh...' Minho realised what he had said, regretting it immediately... But on the second thought.. no..  he actually liked the idea. He hadn't seen for some time -that little moment earlier didn't count- only inside his head...

Minho shook his head... this was not the right moment for these thoughts again..

‚I will also turn it on..it's fair like this' he added after a moment of silence

‚I'm .. I'm a total mess right now.. I don't think-‚

‚I just came home as well..Come on...I'm a mess.. you're a mess.. what about it?' He kept asking until Hyunjin finally gave in. His picture popped up on the screen. He was lying on his bed, his hair tied in a messy bun, his eyes a little sleepy. Minho wasn't sure what his definition of ‚a total mess' was but he would describe it differently. More like.. more than pleasant to the eye.... Kinda hot even..

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