VI || Sober Enough

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He turned away from the other, his heart going rampage inside his chest, his eyes burning.

Suddenly he felt something brush over his face, shivers running down his spine, his breathing became faster.

The end was close..


‚I ...missed you..' Minho looked up to him again. ‚I've missed you, Hyunjin.'

Said one sat up, his eyes meeting the other's. Minho took in everything of him, everything he had missed so much. Everything that had been all up in his head, each and every day, after he had left him.

‚After you pulled that move on me..' He said, moving closer to Hyunjin, his voice quiet. ‚You don't know what I went through..'

Hyunjin could feel the other's hot breath, on his skin, sending tickles all through his body.

‚I wanted you back... I ..I lik-‚ the brunette continued but..

Hyunjin suddenly pushed him away.

‚You shouldn't do this..' He held the brunette at arm's length. ‚You don't know, what you're saying.. you're drunk..You-‚

‚Not at all...' the alcohol was actually the most unimportant bit that was affecting his mind in that moment. The most important one had longer blonde hair... soft, full lips.... beautiful eyes..

He took both long haired's arms, that were holding him at distance, placing them on his waist. Hyunjin's eyes widening slightly.

‚I'm not out of my mind, Hyunjin.' Minho said, having enough of his excuses, why to push him further away. He slowly understood, why he had done it in the fist place.

When Minho had run after him that one day, Hyunjin had warned him. He had warned him, that Minho might feel uncomfortable. But the person that actually felt uncomfortable was Hyunjin himself. He had developed feelings for Minho, one sided, not expecting a return.

To be honest Minho himself hadn't predicted his feelings either. He had met Hyunjin after breaking up with a girl, of course he didn't expect to develop feelings for a boy. But it happened... And he realised this too late, when he already was gone... done pushing him away.

He leaned closer again. Ready to get out everything, that was lying heavily on his heart.

‚I want you..Hyunjin' He placed one hand on his soft chest, feeling his racing heart beat beneath. ‚And you want me too.. stop denying it..'

Hyunjin's chest was rising and falling faster than before... he gave in. He gave in to his heart and his feelings for Minho, he had never thought he could show nor forget. Minho was right, he wanted him, he wanted him to be his all the time, he didn't want to let go of him again. Minho's hands raised up to Hyunjin's neck, pulling him the last remaining bit, that still kept them apart. His lips were soft but also strong on on the other's, Hyunjin responding to him in no time, expressing the craving that not just him but both had for each other. As the two of them separated again, both of them were panting, catching their breaths.

Minho looked at him, a small smile playing at his lips.

‚That's my shirt by the way..' Hyunjin chuckled quietly, his hand resting on the other's cheek.

‚I was about to give it back to you..' Minho said with a smirk, slowly pulling it over his head, putting it to the side. Hyunjin froze.

‚You know..' his hands started to play with the rim of Hyunjin's shirt. ‚The only thing the alcohol does right now, is to make me want to do all sorts of things...' his hand trailed further up his stomach, feeling his smooth skin. ‚things..that I wanted to do for so long now...'

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