VII || Breaking Apart

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The two of them walked together to the familiar orange tent, sitting at one of the small round tables. Sangmin went to the counter to order, before excusing himself to the toilet shortly.

A few minutes later, he came back, his eyebrows deeply furrowed.

‚What's wrong?' Minho asked as Sangmin had sat at the table again, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

‚Ya.. you would expect the toilet to be the most disgusting thing .. but it's not..'

‚Can there be something more disgusting than public toilets?' The brunette asked chuckling slightly.

‚Oh there is...' Sangmin rested his elbows on the table, looking very serious all of a sudden. ‚Around the corner I saw two men... And they... they actually kissed each other.. making out and stuff..that's .. that's so gross.' He leaned back again, his face twisted in disgust. ‚You can relate how much I had wanted to just punch them both in their disgusting faces... I still feel my fist twitching just thinking about it..'

Minho just stared at Sangmin, body completely frozen. He never knew that Sangmin thought like that. It was annoying him...and not just lightly.. Just leave them alone. He could snog girls too after all.. what's the difference..

Suddenly their order came crashing down onto their table, everything was shaking, some of the drinks spilling a little onto the table. Minho was ripped back out of his thoughts, as he saw something familiar in the corner of his eyes.

‚Yah.. what's wrong with that guy, I'm paying him to do his job correctly, not to spill everything all over me.. Wasn't he last time here as well? Already didn't like him then...'

Minho turned around immediately, jumping up from his chair.

‚What is it, Minho? Did he spill something over your pants? You should tell him.. or better his boss.'

He ignored Sangmin, his eyes only focussed on the familiar back, that consequently retreated from their table, looking tense.

Minho ran after him.

‚Tell blondy, that his service is awful.' Sangmin called after him, sounding pissed... even though Minho should be the one to be pissed right now..

He caught up with the retreating blonde slightly at the side, but still clearly visible from the table he had just left. It was uncomfortable to feel Sangmin's eyes on him, expecting him to do something very different, but Minho didn't care... maybe he even wanted the other to see this..

‚Hyunjin-ah.' He called after the boy, reaching out for his wrist.

Hyunjin stopped, but he didn't turn. His hands clenched into fists.


‚You shouldn't touch me... I'm disgusting after all... so disgusting, that you would just want to punch me...' he hissed. ‚I mean... Your acting is quite good, I have to say.. what made some handsome guy like you do it? What made you sleep with a filthy guy like me? Curiosity? Have you lost a bet?'

He pulled his wrist out of the other's grip, but Minho reached out again nonetheless. He wouldn't just give up, even if his words kinda hurt him. He couldn't leave that misunderstanding in between them.

This time he pulled harder on Hyunjin's wrist, that he almost stumbled into the brunette, caught off guard by the sudden force, he was using.

‚I wasn't bet nor anything.. I wanted all of it.. with you and only you.' he said seriously. ‚I've already told you, that I don't think you're disgusting in any way, because you are who you are... and if they tell you, you are disgusting, than they have to tell me that as well. Then I'm disgusting with you..' Minho said before reaching his hand behind Hyunjin's neck, pulling him down so that his lips crashed onto the other's. Hyunjin first stiffened up by his sudden action, but then melted into the kiss. The older one slung his arms around the other's waist, to pull him even closer..

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