V || The End of Us

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His escape turned out to be another way into pain. One that was even worse, because it didn't just leave him in simple pain.. it also left him in confusion, confusion to what and to whom his heart was drawn to. And now, that this boy had opened these gates to Minho's heart, he knew he couldn't close them again. He could never go back to the person he had been before he had met him.

In this space without him, he could hardly breath.


‚Ya, Minho-ya. We're going to karaoke toady and have chicken and beer and stuff, wanna join?' Sangmin asked Minho as he was cleaning the coffee machine at the end of a busy day.

‚Not in the mood for partying...' He said, his voice lacking a lot of it's usual spirit and sass.

‚But you could use some fun... you look as if someone just died..'

*Yeah maybe it was me..* he thought. His cracked heart, had now totally shattered..

‚Huh? Minho-ya?'

‚I said I'm not in the mood..' The coffee machine had to suffer as his mood turned worse.

‚Yikes, you're like when she ... you know.. broke up with.. wait' Sangmin put down the cup he was cleaning. ‚Did you break up again? That blonde girl, that was in the cafe once?'

Minho froze, the sponge he had been holding just a moment ago dropped to the counter, the shirt he was wearing, laying heavy on his shoulders.

‚So I'm right... she..'

‚Oh just leave me alone already, Sangmin!' He shouted, throwing his apron towards the other, storming out of the cafe.

He didn't break up with someone... there never had been something that could be broken up. He was angry, angry with himself. Angry, that he pretended like there had been something between the two them..

He fell against the wall of a building, his eyes burning. All he wanted was to fill the hole inside of him again. He wanted to see him again.

That didn't mean that he understood the feelings he had for Hyunjin, but he understood at least the craving, which had grown inside of him. Minho was craving to see him just once more. His slender and seductive eyes, his blonde, long and soft hair, his pale, smooth skin, his red, full lips....

With his head being full of him, occupied till the last bit, it didn't surprise the brunette at all that he found himself at the orange tent again, where he had met him the first time. He thought he would be there, but even though he kept looking around for longer, he didn't show up.

Minho sat at one of the round tables, waiting. Waiting that maybe he would start his shift at a later point of the evening.

He didn't. No one arrived. His table, as well as his heart stayed empty.

He felt light headed. The alcohol he had been drinking, while he had sat there, slowly affecting him. He wasn't as drunk as that night, but he definitely wasn't sober either.

Minho could still think clearly. Walking in a straight line though, proved itself as more difficult than he had thought.

He left the orange tent behind him, just wandering around the streets. He didn't have a goal, he just walked on and on, the chilly evening breeze, washing over his face. The brunette had thought he had no goal, until he came to a halt in front of a strangely familiar building, the goal of his heart. He.. lived here. Minho remembered running out of his apartment that morning, with his heart going crazy inside his chest. He hadn't forgotten, nor would he ever.

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