VIII || Strangers

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After that conversation he just left. He wasn't drunk, he didn't even touch the alcohol that day. A walk through the slightly chilly night, must do this time to cool down his temper.

He had promised Hyunjin not to turn up again in the same state as the other two times before. He didn't want to either... it wasn't as fun as it always seemed. It didn't make him forget anything..

After walking around for some time, trying to turn off his head, he took a turn into a familiar direction and in front of a familiar building. It was a first to sit in front of his door being completely sober.

He didn't know how long he had to wait for him to get home, but that didn't matter. He wanted to see him, at that point more than ever. Time passed, not slow not fast, it just passed.

Hearing the elevator open in the distance he closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. Someone stepped next to him, slowly lifting him up from the ground, carrying him inside. As Minho heard the door fall shut behind the two of them, he opened his eyes again, looking up to Hyunjin. His eyes met the brunette's, he smiled.

‚Did I wake you?' He asked quietly, still not struggling at all carrying Minho...ok well a little bit.. but over all he couldn't quite hide his surprise.. there was some strength in those thin arms..

‚Nope.. just pretended. Wanted to see how it feels, being carried by you..' He mumbled with a smirk.

‚Ya.. say something next time... you're heavy.' Hyunjin pouted but still didn't drop him at all.

‚If I'm that heavy.. which I know I am.. don't you want to put me down?'

‚Not here... over there..' He nodded towards the bedding that was still spread out in the middle of the room. How convenient he didn't put it away this morning...

He slowly walked over, placing Minho down only to climb on top of him.

‚Hyunjin-ah, you're still fully dressed..' He said fiddling with the zipper of his jacket.

‚We can change that...' Hyunjin said grinning, before taking off his jacket, throwing it to the side, as well as his shirt underneath. Hyunjin let his hands glide underneath the older's shirt, feeling the hotness of his skin beneath his fingertips.

‚You're so warm..' His words were merely a whisper.

Minho raised an eyebrow almost in an appalled way. ‚Warm? Not hot?' Hyunjin looked at him with a do-I-need-to-asnwer-that-look. He chuckled slowly leaning in, placing soft, gentle kisses on the brunette's neck, that heated up more the closer he came to the other's lips. Before he could actually reach them Minho laid a finger upon the other's lips, stopping him.

The blonde looked at him a little startled.

‚What's wrong?' Hyunjin asked sitting back again.

‚You're not getting away this easily this time...'

Minho only gave him enough time to react on what he just said with a raised eyebrow, before he turned things around. Now it was him to be on top of the other. ‚See that' he pointed at his neck. ‚At a spot that's too high for any collar to cover it..'

Hyunjin chuckled slightly.


‚Hyunjin-ah.. you wanna keep being on thin ice?' Minho raised an eyebrow. ‚You know that I want revenge for that.' He stated with a smirk, trapping Hyunjin's head in between his arms, leaning closer. ‚I was thinking about two...' He mumbled teasingly. ‚... or three..or more..'

Strangers || Stray Kids Hyunho (Hyunjin x Minho)Where stories live. Discover now