IX || All Yours

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Minho stumbled a bit to the back, leaning against the counter. He couldn't believe it.. He didn't want to believe that it was Hyunjin he saw in the pictures. He felt like being cheated on all over again. These pictures might not be as much of a slap in the face to what his former girlfriend had presented to him... but they hurt just as much.

In the end the two them really were just strangers ... they were still. He hadn't known him as well as he thought he had. He hadn't known and never expected that he would be someone like that.

It was like a step back in time for him.. he had closed up again. He didn't answer Hyunjin's calls.. his messages... anything.. He felt betrayed, his heart was hurting so much. Whenever he looked at these pictures again his heart shattered a bit more.

‚How could I be that stupid...' He said darkly.. ‚How could I fall for someone like him again...'

‚Falling for a stranger...' He had to have been out of his mind. Doing the same mistake all over again... choosing the wrong one twice in a row.

Someone knocked hardly on his door.

‚Minho?' A familiar voice called loudly for him. He didn't get up, he didn't open.

‚Minho-ya, it's me.. please open the door..' He didn't want to.. ‚We need to talk..'

He didn't want to talk in any way.

‚Minho I'm not leaving until you've opened this damn door and we've talked.' Hyunjin didn't give up that easy.

If he wouldn't leave ..then better get it over with, he thought, slowly shuffling to the door. This wouldn't have a good end..

‚What do you want?' Minho opened the door with an icy look on his face.

‚What I want?' Hyunjin's eyebrow raised. ‚I want to know what's wrong.'

‚There's nothing...'

‚You didn't answer my calls nor my messages and now you hardly opened the door. You can't tell me there is nothing wrong!'

‚So I'm supposed to be fine, yes?' There was no way he could hide his feelings. ‚If I'm supposed to be fine, then find a good explanation for this!' He held out the pictures to Hyunjin, the ones he had suffered from the last few days.

Hyunjin furrowed his brows.

‚It's not what it looks like.'

‚Sure..It never is..' he hissed.

Hyunjin's eyes shot from Minho's phone to his face before he pushed him lightly inside and against a wall, kicking the door close behind him.

'Hyunjin.. what?!' Minho tried to push him away, but he didn't budge.

‚Just let me explain..' His head was now trapped in between the blonde's arms, his forehead resting against Minho's shoulder.

‚What you see on these pictures is the same annoying customer, that visits our tent on regular bases now... almost daily.. When he's drunk he can't seem to understand, when I'm saying, that I already have a boyfriend and.. well.. as you can obviously see.. he tries to get close to me like that. My chef sent him away several times, but he's back again the next day nonetheless...Just look closely at these pictures, does that look like I'm comfortable with him clinging to me like that.'

As the brunette stayed silent, the explanation sinking in, Hyunjin raised his head again his hands lowering onto the other's neck and cheek.

Minho searched for something in his eyes, he searched for a sign that he was lying to him, like everyone he had dated before him had. But there wasn't any, he looked death serious, like he really had nothing to hide from him, like there was only one for him.

Strangers || Stray Kids Hyunho (Hyunjin x Minho)Where stories live. Discover now