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Mully Pov

Josh and I decided to hang out today. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and we had some things we wanted to talk about. We are going to the mall, so that will be the perfect place to try again to try and figure out if he's gay or straight or whatever. I need to get some new sweatshirts anyway. I've had a lot of them since high school and they're not really in style anymore. I also have to get some new jeans. I grew out of mine. Josh and I are meeting in Hot Topic. 

"Oi cunt!" Josh shouts.

"What up dumb ass?" I respond. 

"Nothing much, just finished f*cking your mom," Josh says and we both laugh.

"Good she was getting kind of bitchy lately. She needed a good f*ck," I laugh.

"You've been acting kind of bitchy lately too. Do you need me to f*ck you too?" Josh asks.

"Yes please!" I say and we both break out it laughter. The thing is though, that isn't a lie. I would love to have sex with him. 

"How long have you been waiting?" Josh asks.

"Not that long. Maybe 10 minutes? It gave me time to shop and concentrate. It's kind of hard to concentrate with you around. You're always so f*cking annoying and you comment on every piece of clothing I pick out," I say.

"Wow, when did you get so rude," Josh holds a hand to his chest and acts offended. I can tell he's about to burst out laughing. 

"What are you talking about dickhead? I've always been this way," I say with a cliche gay guy voice. "You should know that. You're my best f*cking friend for God's sake!" I hear a slip of air escape his throat. Then he's full on laughing. 

"Oh my f*cking God. Stop!" Josh wheezes out.

"I've missed you dude," I say and sling my arm over his shoulder.

"I've missed you too. Come on. I'm hungry," Josh says. We walk to the food court and decide on a place to eat. Well actually I got my own food, while Josh went and got his own thing. We met back up at our table. I ended up getting a salad while Josh got McDonald's. Smelling it makes me wish I got McDonald's, but I've been watching my weight, and that's why I had to get new jeans. I actually shrunk a bit. (A/U Ok I'm not being rude about Mully's weight. I just feel like he would think like this because the Boys are always being rude about it which I find very very rude since I have a few bigger friends. I mean I know they're joking, but I'm sure Mully gets hurt sometimes so I just wanted to say, NOT BEING RUDE! OK? NONE OF THAT! Ok back to the story!) Once we finish our food, we shop a bit more. Josh makes his rude comments whenever I pick something out (I wasn't kidding!). Once we're done shopping, I end up with 3 new sweatshirts, 4 new pairs of jeans, and Josh ends up with 1 new beanie. Honestly if I were him, I would have ended up with 5 instead of 1. He's staying at my house tonight, and I already have the couch ready for him, though I wish he was sleeping with me instead. Once we get home, we order pizza. (I'm able to indulge myself sometimes!) We end up watching a scary movie and I somehow fall asleep, I guess I'm just not affected by horror movies that much. I wake up when the movie ends, and Josh is clasped onto me. Obviously scared.

"Are you ok?" I sleepily ask Josh. Josh nods slightly. "Well I'm going to bed now. It's pretty late. I'll see you tomorrow." I get up and go to my room which has a built in bathroom. Once I go to the bathroom, I crawl into my bed. I had already put on pajamas earlier so I didn't need to change. I was slipping off to sleep, when I heard a small knock on the door. I roll over and look at the door. It slowly opens and Josh is standing there. "Are you sure you're ok?" I ask. Josh shakes his head. He looks down at his feet. He looks like a small child who is scared to ask his parents if he can sleep with them. "You can sleep with me if you want." Josh hesitantly steps forward. "Josh, it's ok. You can sleep with me." Josh comes forward quickly and crawls into the bed with me. He snuggled up right against me. I smile and wrap my arms around him. I inhale his scent. It's all around me and impossible not to smell it. He squeezes me hard and I squeeze back. He's cuddled up against me, so that his face is in my neck and I can feel every inhale and exhale. It's soothing to listen to. I find myself tracing shapes on his back. I had a boyfriend for a few months about a year and half ago, and sometimes we'd sleep together in my bed (not that, get your head out of the gutter, perverts) and I'd always do that to him. He always found it soothing so that's why I'm doing it to Josh. He seems to like it because he takes one big breath and lets it out. He loosens his grip on me and I do the same. I find myself thinking that I could get used to this. Sleeping next to Josh every night.

"Thanks Mully," Josh whispers.

"Anything for you Josh," I whisper back. I refrain from adding best friend in there. I'd rather not friend zone him because God knows he's not just a friend. 

"I love you," I swear I hear Josh whisper. My heart stops for a second and I stop my fingers. I know I shouldn't but I still do. 

"I love you too," I whisper very quietly, because I don't know if I want him to hear it or not. Then my breath catches and reality sets in. I start breathing again, my heart beats again, and I start my fingers again. He probably either means platonic or he's asleep or I misheard him. How could he f*cking love me? And I said it back! I'm such a f*cking idiot. So so stupid! Argh! Then I hear a slight snore. Oh thank God he's asleep! He didn't hear it! He didn't actually say it! I'm so happy!

3rd Person 

Little does Mully know, Josh was awake when he said I love you and instantly regretted it, until he heard Mully say it back. He smiled and quickly fell asleep, clinging to his best friend and crush.

Ok so no more parts of this for tonight. Maybe one tomorrow morning. Thank you for all the love and support! Luv you guys!

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