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Josh Pov

When I wake up, I'm surrounded by Mully. His smell, his arms, his ... everything. He's snoring slightly, his mouth is open and there is slight drool coming out of his mouth. I smile slightly and quickly wipe the drool off of his chin. I start to wonder why I'm in here and all of last nights memories come back. Scary movie. Sleeping together. I love yous. Oh shit. Wait, no he said it back. I said I loved him and he said it back! Mully said it back! But, is it just platonic love? I'll think about that later. I get up and yawn.

"Come on dickhead, get up," I yell at Mully.

"Do we really have to do this this early in the morning?" Mully mutters.

"Yes, now come on dumb ass. I don't know where you keep the food and I'm starving," I say.

"It's in the kitchen dumb ass. You can find it yourself idiot. I'm going back to bed," Mully mumbles before rolling over and covering himself with the covers.

"I'll make you coffee," I say.

"Nope, I'm not moving until noon," Mully says.

"It's already 12:30," I say.

"1 PM then. Goodbye," Mully says. I stay standing there. "That is your cue to leave."

"Ass hat," I mumble as I leave the room. I'm able to find some food and make something. At 2 Mully emerges from his room. "Do you always sleep that long?"

"Usually. Why not? Sleep is good," Mully says as he scratches his head. "Did you make me anything?"

"Why would I ass hat? You were being a bitch to me," I say.

"I just didn't want to get up. Don't mess with me when I want to sleep. You should know this as my number one friend," Mully says. Friend. God dammit I hate that word.

"I did actually make you something," I smirk.

"What'd you make?" Mully asks.

"A knuckle sandwich!" I yell and jump on him. My small form knocks him on the ground and now I'm on top of hims, playfully fighting with him.

"God dude! I just woke up! I don't have enough energy for this," Mully says as he tries to fight back. I'm easily winning, he can't get up because I've pinned him to the floor and I'm on top of his legs, which holds his ankles down, while my hands pin his hands down. If anyone would walk in right now, they would get the wrong idea of what's going on. We're both sweaty and I'm pinning him down. Now what would that look like? Mully and I are both breathing hard. Feeling his breath on my face makes me blush, and I feel something hard touch my thigh. I really need to get up before things go wrong. But do I really need to? I mean how bad could things go? I can't hold it back, I lean down until Mully's mouth is less than a inch away. He looks at me, and he's the one that brings out lips together. It feels amazing. He slips his tongue in my mouth and explores every nook and cranny. His tongue retreats, leaving me with only the taste of his mouth. I've loosened my grip, so he rolls us over so he's on top. We stop kissing for a second, and he just stares at me. My breath is coming out in long pants. 

"Mully," I breathe out.

"Josh," Mully responds. And then we're kissing again. God this is amazing. I can tell that he loves me by the way he's kissing me. I let out an involuntary moan, and Mully stops for a second, but then continues, trying to make me moan again. This is definitely going to go farther than I expected. I moan a few more times before I move my hips against his erection. He finally moans and I return it. "God Josh," Mully moans out.

"Mully!" I yell when he starts palming me through my pants. 

"Josh... how far do you want to go?" Mully asks.

"F*ck me," I whimper. Mully's eyes go big, he probably wasn't expecting me to say that. 

"Gladly," Mully says once he regains his composure. He's able to pick me up easily and places me on the couch. He removes both of our shirts and pants so we're left in our boxers. For me it's still too tight and I can't wait to get out of them. I slip my hand into his boxers and start to slowly rub his member. He lets out a loud moan. I'm still underneath him, but I'm not as submissive as he thought. I take my hand out of his boxers and he slides them off, and then moves onto mine. Mully moves me onto my stomach and slips 3 fingers into my mouth, which I gladly suck on. He takes them out of my mouth after 10 seconds and I groan as he slips the first one in. I've done this once or twice before, and damn it feels amazing! He slips in each finger until he has all 3 in.

"More," I whimper. He retreats his fingers and I whimper at the loss. Slowly, but surely, he pushes his cock in. I stiffen at the pain for a second, but when he's all the way in I start to feel pleasure erupt. He sits for a bit, waiting for me to nod. After about 2 minutes, which have felt like 2 hours, I nod. He starts moving slowly. It feels so good. I feel heat coiling in my groin. 

"Faster," I yell. He starts going faster and faster. I rake my nails down his back, I know I'm going to leave marks there. He leans down and attaches his lips to my neck, successfully marking me as his. He moves his position and slams into my prostate. "MULLY!" I scream! I finally reach my climax and I cum, it shoots out of my cock onto Mully's stomach. I clench around him, and feel him fill me up with his own cum. 

"Joooooosssshhh," Mully groans out. He pulls out and we both are panting.

"Oh God that was amazing," I say. Mully is quiet for a second before he says,

"You were gay this whole time?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. I thought everyone would act how they did towards you and I always hated how they treated you," I confess.

"Josh, I wouldn't have told them. I'm your best friend. I can keep a secret," Mully says. 

"So you honestly don't remember the time I told you about what I got the boys for Christmas? You blabbed it to all of them," I roll my eyes.

"Oops, yeah I forgot about that," Mully says. "Still I would have liked to know. I've had the biggest crush on you since high school. I was always trying to see what you would say if I commented on someone's looks. You'd always ignored the comments."

"Oh my God, that was why you always did that? God that was annoying," I say. 

"I'm sorry," Mully says.

"I honestly had no idea you've had a crush on me since high school. I honestly thought you were hot before I even, like, actually met you. I saw you around school and thought you were killing it," I admit. 

"Really? I'm always so self conscious about my looks," Mully admits.

"Mully, you're beautiful. Don't let anyone else tell you different," I say. We're quiet for a little bit. Until I speak. "So, does this mean we're dating now?"

"This can be whatever you want it to be," Mully says.

"Are we going to tell the boys?" I ask.

"Nah, they don't have to know. We can keep a secret a bit longer," Mully says.

"I love you Mul,"  I say.

"God I hate that nickname," Mully says.

"But you love me," I say.

"Yeah I do. I love you Josh," Mully says.

Ok so this is not the end of this, that would be really anticlimatic. I'll try to write more smut, this is my first time and I'm not proud of it and I can't believe I actually wrote that so I'll try to work on it. I'm going to go work on As Fate Would Have it because God knows you guys aren't happy about that cliffhanger. Luv you guys!

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