Fairy Bread

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Mully Pov

After getting up in the morning, I decide that I'm going to make Josh some breakfast. I know how much he loves fairy bread (A/U Never had it. Want to try it. I want your guys opinions on it tho) so I make him some of that including a few other things like eggs and bacon. When he wakes up, he'll smell bacon and be happy. After I finish making it, I put it in the oven to keep it warm. A few minutes later, Josh emerges, stretching and yawning. He rubs his eyes and waves to me. 

"I smell bacon. Gimme," Josh says.

"A bit rude. Say please first," I say.

"Give me the f*cking food bitch," Josh says.

"Yeesh, fine," I take the food out of the oven and give it to him. I give him the fairy bread as well.

"Aww, fairy bread. Thanks babe," Josh says.

"I always forget that you're serious about that on camera. I always just think about it as a running joke," I say.

"Nope, it's my favorite food," Josh smiles and takes a bite out of the bread. "I hope you didn't just make something for me."

"Well you're out of luck because I did. I'm not hungry anyway," I say.

"I'll give you a bite of my fairy bread," Josh says.

"Wow, we're already this far in our relationship? You're offering me your fairy bread?" I ask jokingly.

"Shut up you big fat f*cking r*tard (A/U I never use this word other than for this sentence. I find it very rude, but they use it for Mully so I just wanted to clear that up)," Josh says. "And yes, we f*cked twice last night. It'd be kind of rude for me to deny you my fairy bread."

"On Josh's relationship table, we're on Fairy Bread," I say.

"God, I f*cking hate you," Josh mutters.

"Well, you don't hate me, because you let me f*ck you, and you're willing to share your precious fairy bread," I tease.

"I'm going to kill you," Josh says.

"Love you too babe," I say. Josh just rolls his eyes.

Pure fluff. Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't feel like writing smut. Here you go @LinoSM2004 as you requested this.

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