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(A/U A lot of this I think is going to be smut now because I have no better ideas, it's not going to be that good anyway since I'm just starting out but tell me what you think! On to the story!)

Mully Pov

Josh ends up staying at my house for a while, as we're getting used to the whole dating thing. It's unreal to be dating the guy you've had a crush on for the past 3 years. It's still nice to be able to kiss him whenever I want to. Just sitting on the couch and you can just lean over and kiss him and he'll kiss passionately back. Ah, it's nice just thinking about. I'm sitting in the kitchen, looking at my phone. I scroll through all of my pictures with Josh, smiling at all the memories. 

"Hey babe," Josh comes in and places a kiss on my cheek. "You still have all of those?"

"Hell yes! I love looking at these pictures of us. You look so damn cute," I say.

"You're way cuter than me," Josh says.

"Oh stop it. On a scale of 1 to 10 of cuteness you're an 11," I tease.

"Yeah right. I'm ugly compared to you," Josh says.

"How are you the one with bad self esteem? But ok fine, if I'm the cute one then you're the hot one," I say.

"Oh ho ho, so I'm hot now?" Josh asks.

"What are you talking about? Now? You've always been hot as f*ck," I say.

"I find that hard to believe," Josh says.

"You're as hot as a house fire," I say.

"That's a nice thing to be compared to," Josh rolls his eyes.

"Oh come on, you kind of put me on the spot! Fine, I'll think of a better one," I say. "Hmm, you're as hot as ... a hot summer day."

"Maybe a bit more thought," Josh teases.

"I'm trying the best I can!" I say.

"I know you are babe," Josh says. 

"Will you finally admit that you're hot?" I ask. Josh thinks for a bit.

"I'll take cute," Josh says.

"Are you saying that I take the title of hotness?" I ask, slightly teasing. Josh thinks again. He claims me as his as he sits down on my lap, looping his arms around my neck.

"Yes," he declares.

"Wow, very powerful with that answer," I tease.

"How bout you show me how powerful you can be?" Josh wiggles his eyebrows.

"Hey hey! We're straying out of PG territory," I warn.

"You like it though," Josh whispers in my ear.

"F*ck yes I do, but I have stuff I need to get done. We'll continue this later," I say.

"Awww, fine," Josh groans. 

"Later my love, I promise," I say and then kiss him.

"Later," Josh says.

Ok so this part is done, no smut in this, but next chapter yes. Hope you guys liked it! Luv you guys!!

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